Chapter 6

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Naoto's POV

Celestine had summoned today and I wasn't feeling like it at all. She locked me up in a dungeon for my newfound power. She literally stabbed my heart open after I opened to her and showed nothing but honesty and she wanted me to see her?! There wasn't much I could do but obey since she was still my boss. I slowly got up and got dressed. Chloe was still asleep along with Alicia and Prim so I left them a written note to explain where I was. On my way there Randomira began talking to me telepathically.

''So are you always this stiff or is that only when your girls are around?'' She asked as I yelled at her mentally. I had enough on my plate as it was so her snarky comment was unwelcomed if welcomed at all.

''Shut up! I am not in the mood for games and teases! I am trying to not get riled up as I think about how to use my anger productively.'' I snapped as she laughed before trying to cheer me up.

''Well sorry about that your Draconic highness. So what are you thinking about? You haven't been collecting ''Lust Energy'' and I can't let my new champion become useless and limp like the previous one.'' She said as I nodded and grunted but answered her.

''I am trying to curb a horndog rebellion and an upcoming war after I got betrayed by someone who I poured my heart to so excuse me for not being productive your slutiness,'' I said sarcastically as I wasn't in the mood at all. She then nodded as she gave me an idea.

''You know that I still have ties to Volt right? Well, I could gather ''Lust Energy'' to revive his dead Allies. You know...Beardsley, Grave, Klaus, and the Mortadella Brothers, and after that, I'd turn them into human girls.'' She explained as I slowly stopped to think about it. This was actually a very poetic plan and just Karma for these assholes. I then nodded but not completely. I still needed to know what her deal was after all.

''That is a good plan but what's the catch at all? Why give me power if your main player which is Volt is gonna lose? What's your motive in all of this Randomira'' I asked as she giggled before answering.

''So we're on a first-name basis now Darling? As for what I want...I did tell you that couples, when they mated, make way more potent ''Lust Energy'' right? Well, I just want to revive my race. I am the last of demonkind and if those lovely dark elves can well so can I! As for how I'd do that well I do need a body.'' She explained as I now understood. She wanted a new living body and she needed that for her race to resurface basically. She basically used Volt out of necessity more than cruelty. I then proposed to her a deal before entering Celestine's throne room.

''So let's say that I that give you that, Will you still help us afterward or will you run away after that?'' I asked as she squealed happily before answering.

''I swear that if you're not pulling my hair which isn't a bad thing per se...well I'd ride you publicly until our union is cemented.'' She said as I almost fell flat on my face but quickly recovered before telling her okay. She nodded happily as I entered Celestine's room. She was already sitting at the table in her gardens as she waited for me to get seated. I sat and we both stayed silent for a couple of minutes. This deafening silence was awkward and not long after that she spoke first.

''Naoto, I would like to apologize for my paranoia and for throwing you into the dungeon. You gave everything and I threw it all away. I WILL DO anything to get forgiven even being part of your...''She said only for me to cut her off. I wasn't gonna allow her to sell herself to me as it would me make no better than Volt. I then explained my reasoning.

''Celestine just don't. It is true that I was angry but while I was in the dungeon my feelings changed from anger to disappointment. Going back to a clean is not possible right now and it would be detrimental for both of us. I understand it but it is a mental wound that you did to me with this action. Your actions will prove if you mean what you said but only time will tell, just don't sell yourself to me as apologies as it would make me and you no better than Volt. We're at war with my old continent and your actions during that war will prove your words. If you really want a headstart then I'll tell you how I got these powers and how to use them properly. This could turn the tides on Volt's army.'' I said as nodded with tears flowing out of her eyes. She then asked the how all while still sobbing.

The Tale of Naoto Uzumaki : Book I : A lost HeroWhere stories live. Discover now