Chapter 4

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Naoto's POV

I woke up after my night with Alicia and Prim. I decided to get dressed and prepare them a surprise breakfast but they had beaten me to punch already. As I sat at the table and waited for them to finish. It took a good fifteen minutes before they were done with the bacon and eggs alongside some buttered toast. I had to give it to them they were amazing cooks. As we finished eating we went our separate way. They went to the training grounds and I went towards the outskirt of town to do some patrol. Everything went okay but a guard began to approach me. I then let them do their report and I was shocked, to say the least.

''Good morning Sir Naoto. Some folks entered the Castletown and we felt an aura similar to you on them. You already showed us how to detect these in training. It's making the recruits go crazy and the rest of us are trying to contain it but...''She trailed off after explaining her stuff only for me to cut her off and give her orders.

''Go warn Celestine to assemble all ten of us. I'll track them and they will know where I am with my swords.'' I said as I ran towards their last known location. Once there what I saw made me angry, confused, and betrayed. In front of my house were four people and three of them I recognize and one, in particular, I hated with every fiber of my being.

The first was a grey-haired man with gravity-defying hair. He wore a mask that covered all of his face except for one eye. His headband was obstructing one of his eyes. He wore a green Jonin jacket and a black ninja uniform underneath it. It was my old sensei, Kakashi Hatake otherwise known as Sharingan Kakashi of one thousand Jutsu.

The second one was a spiky white-haired man in a green and red haori with wooden sandals. He wore a headband with the word ''Myoboku'' on it. Under his eyes were two red lines which were made of red paint. He seemed off as the white in his eyes was now black and his pupils were red instead of black. This was my second sensei, Jiraiya of the three great Sannin.

The third one I absolutely despised. He had blond spiky hair with two bangs on each side of his head. He wore a Konoha headband and a jonin vest. Underneath that was a dark blue shirt and black ninja pants. On his shoulder was a white cape with red flames at the bottom of it but in the middle of said cape was the number ''Four''. This was the man that destroyed my life and would probably have made me the next victim of having a fox demon sealed in my guts. This was Minato Namikaze, the fouth Hokage. His eyes were the same as Jiraiya's. What was up with that bullshit?

''The next one was a woman with deep and long below waist red hair. She was dressed in a green dress with a yellow undershirt underneath said dress. She also had the same eyes as Jiraiya and that accursed fourth Hokage. What the actual fuck was going on?! With these four in front of my house, it was clear that I couldn't hide anymore. My five years of freedom including my new life would come to an end. NO! Not on my watch and with possibly three of my girlfriends pregnant. I would die before they could even try to force me back. I took a deep breath and I then yelled at them with insults.

''Yo you four shinobi! Don't you have anything better to do than chase fucking ghosts and destroy lives with your jinchuuriki making?'' I yelled at them which caused them to turn at me. Kakashi's eyes narrowed as he recognized me as the others did. They probably were brief that I betrayed Konoha to avoid having a demon shoved in my gut and is a powerful deterrent. It took a couple of minutes of silent staring at each other before Jiraiya began walking towards me asking his question.

'' are truly alive? The broker here said so and we thought you died...the toad'' He trailed off before I answered him coldly. This wasn't time for pleasantries. I now knew the order of who trained who and I felt even more disgusted at myself for not having seen it coming. Jiraiya trained the fourth Hokage who then trained Kakashi who trained me. They clearly haven't expected me to be hostile towards them but I didn't care or gave a fuck.

The Tale of Naoto Uzumaki : Book I : A lost HeroWhere stories live. Discover now