A Lost hero Prologue

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Naoto's POV

I woke up early this morning. This had been my life for the last five years. I had run away from Konoha this many years ago. When my twin Naruto was killed by Sasuke as the latter defected to Orochimaru. They planned to seal the Kyuubi in me but I ran away. How could they ask me to hold this beast at bay when my brother just died. I wasn't in the right state of mind back then so it would have been suicidal for them to even try but they still did. I ran away fighting them off until I escaped on a boat. This new continent where I now stood was named ''Eostia''. it had been in a six hundred century war between the holy alliance and the Dark Elves or whatever they were. I had made myself a reputation in that land as a stand-alone mercenary since my ninja skills were still helpful. I was known as the ''Twin Lightning''. It is because of the two short swords that I wield that can cut and defeat anything via its naturally generated lightning. My routine was currently to get my armor ready and eat before going away after sealing my supplies. As I departed I noticed a bunch of men walking towards me. The first one was a tall muscular man with short spiky brown hair. He wore a green tank top and black pants. He wore a red cape on his shoulders and wielded a massive greatsword that he kept in its sheath on his back. On the left of this man was a small athletic man wearing purple robes. He had short curly and messy brown hair with glasses. On the muscular man's right was what best be described as a more athletic version of the bulkier man. He wore a black top and pants with a red scarf on his neck. He had very messy black spiky hair. As they kept approaching me as I was leaving the bulky man began talking to me.

''Hey, you! You're the Twin Lightning Mercenary, right?'' The bulky man asked as I slowly turned my head towards him. I then answered him with a question of my own.

''Depends on who is asking? Who are you? What do you want from me?'' I asked him as he sat down on my previous campsite log with his two henchmen. He then explained who he was and his objective.

''The name's Volt and these are my associates, Hicks and Kin. As for what I want...well I'd like to recruit you to our cause to turn Eostia into a nation of service.'' He said with the straightest of faces. He also had this disgusting prideful smirk on his face as he had already succeeded in recruiting me. This was unsettling me to no end as his plan was just vile, barbaric, and inhuman. How could he expect me to even agree to this? I kept my face blank of any emotions. If there was one thing that I learned as I escaped my country of birth and its people it was to not show emotions to others as they could use it against you or your loved one. My answer was obvious in my mind as a big fat no with a side of go fuck yourself to these guys but I wouldn't outright say it to their face as it would get me killed. I might as well play along but I suddenly felt as if another person was here with them. I then use my Chakra discretely and saw what these folk would describe as a succubus. I was an invisible woman. She had long deep below waist pink and yellow eyes. She was dressed sluttishly as a succubus in a very revealing black outfit. She had bat wings and a succubus tail. On her head were two horns that seemed to generate electricity like a teifling. I could almost feel her trying to seduce me all the while she was invisible. Well, it wouldn't work as I worked with ninja, and their female already used these tactics so her plan was going to fail. I then blankly answered him without any emotions on my face.

''Sorry not interested. I have a contract to fulfill and your guys are not part of it.'' I said before flashing away in purple lightning leaving them out there with no hesitation. I had arrived at the castle town of one of the Princess Knights. As I entered the gates I was stopped by two guardswomen who if this was how their women's dressed well it was no wonder that this dirtbag had a plan like this. They then asked a question about my whereabouts.

''Halt! You are entering Castletown and you are not a registered civilian living here. What is your name and what business do you have here?'' The first guards asked me as the second had drawn her weapon in case I was a dangerous individual. I then took a deep breath and began explaining since I kinda needed a home and that entailed getting registered in here.

The Tale of Naoto Uzumaki : Book I : A lost HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang