Chapter 12: Stupid Stephen

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--Present day--

It wasn't long until Stephen was called to see the Sorcerer Supreme. He was anxious. What was going on? Stephen wheeled into the room. He saw the Sorcerer Supreme and Mordo waiting for him.

"Mr. Strange," the Sorcerer Supreme started, walking toward the paralyzed individual. Stephen was going to correct her, but decided against it. "Mordo told me of the vision you had. Tell me, have you done any spells lately? Namely, the Spell of Jnan?"

"Now that you mention it, I think I might have. Why? Did I do something wrong?" Stephen asked innocently. Mordo just looked at Stephen and scoffed.

"Did you do something wrong?" Mordo asked sarcastically. "You made us freak out! We thought you were psychic!"

"We shouldn't get worked up over this, Master Mordo," the Sorcerer Supreme told him.

"I thought it didn't work. Nothing happened," Stephen said.

"You know," Mordo began, "For someone who was meant to be part of the Mystic Arts, you don't know a thing about it." Stephen looked offended and was about to respond, but the Sorcerer Supreme cut him off.

"That's enough. If Kaecilius is planing something, then we have to be prepared. And that means, teaching Strange how to use magic to fight and move his wheelchair."

"Wouldn't it be easier if you just taught me how to walk with magic?" Stephen asked. He wanted function in his legs again. It was hard being paralyzed.

"You must embrace your situation, Stephen. Only then, will you become a master of the mystic arts."

"I don't want to become a master of the mystic arts!" Stephen yelled. "I want to go back to my life! My doctor life!"

"Strange-" Mordo called, but Stephen wasn't listening.

He had turned his wheelchair around and was starting to leave, but something caught him. It was the Sorcerer Supreme. She had created a rope out of magic that was preventing Stephen from leaving. Stephen looked at her. She looked scary but calm. Stephen remembered his first day in an O.R alone. He felt scared, but at the same time he felt at ease. As much as Stephen wanted to walk again, he knew they wouldn't teach him. So, he gave in.

"If I agree to learn, will you let me go?" The Sorcerer Supreme let Stephen free from the magical rope. Mordo looked surprised at this statement, but smiled. "Now, maybe," he thought, "He won't be so arrogant and egotistical."


2 chapters in one day again. You may say motivation. But I say, not wanting to do schoolwork, procrastination, and not feeling like writing my Ironman and Spiderman fanfic. I've got no ideas. Help.

- Winter

P.S. Strange ISN'T psychic.

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