Chapter 14

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(Leo P.O.V.)
"I will go easy on you normo"I teased.
"No need skinny"said Cassie.
"Ok then do you believe in this?"i said blasting a fire ball at the roof.
"Do you believe in this?"asked Cassie showing some different colours on her hands,wait thats not colours that is fire,water,storm,plant,air,speed,strengh at many more.
"What?You guys didn't tell me she is bionic."I said.
"For your information,Me and my brother here is multi bionic"said Austin.
"WHAT!!"I yelled.
''Wait did you just say multi bionic?''I asked.
''Yup''replied Cassie.
''What is multi bionic?''I asked.
''Muti bionic is more than a hundred maybe thousand bionic combine together in a person''explained Chase.
''You can scream mommy right now''said Spin.
''Shush''I said seriously towards Spin.
''Well aren't you cute''said Cassie.
''Please don't make me puke out my dinner''I said.

Just then,Mr Davenport came in with Perri.

(Davenport P.O.V.)

''No you can't be a bionic''I said.
''Why can't I? Think off all the things that I can do''said Perri.
''Like what?stealing a car?killing innocent human?''I asked meanly.
''Yeah and the other nice things like burning down the police station''said Perri.
''Hey Mr Davenport''said two familiar voices.
''Cassie?Austin?''I asked.
''Intruders!''shouted Perri.
''No wait''I said.

But before I can even finish my sentences,  Austin use one of his ice bionic that make Perri froze.

''Thank you so much Austin''I said.
''Anytime Davenport''said Austin.
''Um Davenport?Can you help me to upgrade me and Austin bionic?''asked Cassie.
''Hmm okay then''I said.
''Can you upgrade my bionic to multi bionic too?''asked Leo.
''No''I said without thinking.
''Cold blooded''mumbled Leo.
''Me?You did not just said that''I said.
''But I did ''said Leo.
''Uuuuuu Leo you're in trouble'' said Adam and Chase.
''Douglas make you bionic so you won't get bulliefy and I get all the Douglas blame by Tasha.''I said
''How did you get here''I asked .
''Vanessa bought us here''I said.
''Oh ya did I forgot to say that I am also multi bionic?''said Vanessa.
''Welcome to our family''said Cassie and Austin.

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