Chapter 9

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(Niall P.O.V.)
''Me and Niall will prepare dinner''said Zayn.
''Great''I replied.

After Cassie and Austin went up,we started cooking.We decided to make mash potatoes with gravy,mushroom soup,egg with some carrot,bacon and grilled meat.So I started to boiled the potatoes then put the potatoes on a big bowl .while mashing the it and adding some milk while Zayn is grilling the meat and bacon.After I mash the potatoes,I started to make the gravy.As I was waiting for it, I took some egg and carrot.Firstly,I cracked the egg and put it into a bowl and mix it.Then,I started cutting the carrot into little piece using a sharp knife.After I was done,I pass the egg and carrot to Zayn so that he can cook it.While I started to cook the mushroom soup.

''Can you set up the table''asked Zayn.
''Why me''I whined.
''Do you want to burn the house down''asked Zayn.
''Now where is the plate''I asked trying to change the topic.
Zayn did not replied to me,he just rolled his eyes at me.

After I was done putting the plate,bowl,fork,knive  and food on the table,Zayn just came out with a plate full with egg.

''Woah something smell delicious''said Austin followed by Cassie and the boys.
''Yum''said Cassie.
''Is Simon gonna eat with us?''asked Austin.
''I will call him ''said Zayn.

After Zayn ended his call.......
''He will be here in 5 minute''said Zayn.
''Can we eat now''I whined.
''Can you wait till Simon come''whined Cassie using the same tone as I just use.

Not long,Simon came......
''Hi Simon''we all said at once.
''Hi dad ''said Cassie and Austin.
''Let's start''said Liam.

As we eat ......
(Cassie P.O.V.)
''So Austin and Cassie did you have a great time here?''asked Simon.
''Yup''I replied.
''Austin?''I asked.
''Yes''replied Austin with a mouth full of egg.
''Woah this is better than I expected''said Harry.
''Delicious''said Simon.
''Perfect''said Louis.
''You and Niall should cook more often''said Austin towards Zayn.
''Thanks''they replied.

First time a dinner with my family was better than I expected. They were talking,laughing and giggling.I haven felt this happy in a long time.

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