Chapter 10

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As we eat,Simon asked whether we should go to school......
(Simon P.O.V.)
''I was thinking,should you both go to school?'' I asked.
''Yes''said Cassie and Austin jaw drop and drop his food.
''What name should they use''asked Harry.
''How about Cassie William Tomlinson and Austin William Tomlinson''I asked.
''It sounds perfect''said Austin.
''Then it settled''I said.
''I will register for you at a school not far fron here''said Louis.
''Okay then''I said.
''After this me and Austin will do the dishes''said Cassie.
''Wha....''said Austin towards Cassie.
Cassie just give Austin an evil look.
''Okay geez''said Austin.
''I better start going''I said.
''Bye '' said Austin and Cassie at the same time.
I just chuckled and say goodbye.

(Austin P.O.V.)

After we eat......
''Urgh there are to much dishes''I whined as I put the dishes in the sink.
Cassie use her laser and shot my leg.
''What was that for''I asked as I rubbed my leg.
''For being too annoying''replied Cassie.

After we wash the dishes......
''Finally''I said.
''Let's watch a movie ''said Cassie as we walked to the living room.
''Can we watch some movie?''I asked.
''Okay.Do you guys want to watch a movie call Chappie?''asked Louis.
''No scary movie''said Cassie.
''Chappie is a robot movie''replied Liam.
''Hmmm okay then ''said Cassie.
I took a sit next to Cassie and Cassie sit next to Niall.

After the movie ended Cassie was sounded asleep.
''Guys look at Cassie''I said.
''Someone need to carry her to her room''said Harry.
''I will carry her up''said Harry
''I will help''I said.

Harry carry Cassie bride style.Awwww so cute.I followed them and help Harry to open the door.Harry laid Cassie on her bed and I help her to cover her body with the blanket and we left

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