Chapter 7

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(Niall P.O.V.)
''So Austin.How old are you?''asked Zayn.
''He is around my age so 12 years old''said Cassie.
''So are you here alone?"I asked.
''Yup, I live in the orphange now''said Austin.
''How long have you been there?"asked Harry.
''Almoat a year''replied Austin.
''Which orphange?''asked Liam.
''Sunshine orphanage''said Austin.
''I know that orphanage,it's just around the corner''said Louis.
''Wait.Why did you live at the orphange?''said Cassie.
''Your uncle.I mean mom pass away in an accident several years ago......after that my dad jump down from a tall building and you know......''said Austin.
''Oh wait.''said Cassie as she pull Austin to a corner.
(Cassie P.O.V.)
''Did you tell anyone about our secret ?''I asked.
''Nope!Did you?''asked Austin.
''Never''I said.
(Liam P.O.V.)
''Awww look at them they look like twin''said Harry.
''A little bit true''said Zayn.
''Good point Hazza''said Louis.
''Okay maybe a little bit more than that Zayn''said Niall.
''And here they come''I said.
(Cassie P.O.V.)
I can't believe in all this years I get to see Austin, my bionic twin.
''Are you guys twin?''asked Niall.
''Oh you notice''said Austin.
''Lets go to a near by shop to get some food''said Niall.
''Whateve4''mumbled Zayn.
(Louis P.O.V.)
''So they are twin and cousin at the same time.Maybe I can ask Mr Cowell to adopt Austin,so Cassie have somebody to accompany her at school.Maybe I should call him now.''I said inside my head.
''Hey Simon,I mean Mr.Cowell''
''Hi Louis, what can I help you''
'' today we bring Cassie to buy a new phone''
''And she meet her long time no see cousin which is an orphan''
''So you are telling me that you want to adopt a new kid''
''Umm that sound like it''
''What do you mean''
''Can you do the adoption paper for him?''
''Thank you so so so much''
End of phone call

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