Chapter 5

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(Cassie P.O.V.)
''Yes, what?''I asked
''Since your stepparents were in jail,maybe we can adopt you?''asked Zayn.
''That depends,will you hit me?''I asked.
''Hell NO!! You will be our sister we always wanted because Mr Cowell will adopt you,not us''said Louis.
''I......Thank you so much!''I screamed.
''Welcome kiddo''said Niall.
''Any time''said Harry smiling.
''After we go to the tour,Dani,Eleanor and Perrie will bring you go shopping!And don't worry about a thing,sis''said Zayn smirking.
''Hold on a sec.Is Mr Cowell .......The Simon Cowell?''I asked .
''A matter of fact,Yes''said Liam.
''OMG!!!!! I can't wait to meet him'' I screamed
''Well he's here ''said Niall.
''Hi,you  must be Cassie''said Simon walking through the door .
''Hi''I said nervously.
''I had done the adoption paper just now ''said Simon.
''So I will be your dad and the mates will be your brother so if they bully you, I will deal with that''said Simon looking at the boys.
''Thanks Dad and my brothers ''I said.
''Anytime kid''They all said together .And all of us started laughing .As the time pass they slowly leave.
A week pass......
''Hi kiddo,The doctor said you can leave''said Niall.
''Finally, woohoo!''I scream .
''Well, I better start packing''I said.
After I pack......
''Well......May I help you carry your bag pack and your guitar just let Niall help you because......'' said Louis but it was cut of when Niall snatch the guitar.
''So that means that Niall loves guitar ''I said laughing.And Niall start running with my guitar while I chase him.
''Niall give me back my guitar before you spoiled it''I scream as I run (not using my powers)
''Aha found you......''I said.
''What I ran to the cafeteria cause I am hungry''said Niall with a mouth full of cookies.
''I know it!Niall will surely come here ''said Liam.
''Wow that girl can really run '' said Harry
''Thanks''I said
''Let's go to Nandos! ''Said Niall
''Again ?!"said Liam
''Let Cassie choose ''said Zayn
''Um......How about KFC?''I asked
''Well ......Let's go!!!''screamed Niall

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