Chapter 4

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(Louis P.O.V.)
''Wait a sec.Group chat!''I shouted
''What is your name?''asked Harry tpwards the girl.
''Cassie''said the girl
''Nice name.I like it''said Niall
''Thanks''said Cassie.
''Um ......Who were those people?''asked Harry
''Oh come on''I scream
''Well, long story short.It started when I was six.My dad was the best scientist that I had ever known,but due to an accident he passed away.And that accident was that my stepdad make my dad's lab on fire.I barely make it out alive,but my dad risked his life to safe mine.After he saved me,my dad caught on fire and this happenes when the fire piece dropped on him.He was on fire so he couldn't see clearly so he ran into the fire and died.Well my mom?She asked my stepdad to look after me before she died due to a sickness.So my stepdad found my stepmom after a few months.Both of them are like monsters.When did it start?! When I was 8!''said Cassie with tears in her eyes
I look around and see the boys including me also have tears in the eyes
''Um...... back to the group chat''I said
''Since her stepparents are in jail or maybe proson .I was wondering maybe we can ask Simon to adopt her.So we can teeant her like a sister we always wanted''I said
''Fine by all of us ''they shouted all at once
''Then it is settled.Let me call Uncle Simon ''said Liam
After talking......
''He said YES!''said Liam
''Yes, what?''asked Cassie

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