Opinions & Thoughts- Chapter 13

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This is one of the few chapters if not the only one with a Roy POV. This is just so y'all can see his opinions and thoughts on how Ross and Robert act together.


I got a text from Ross, asking if him and Robert could come over. I obviously said yes, my parents don't care as long as they don't mess up the house. They came over, Robert in an outfit I swore I had seen Ross wear before. I shrugged it off and we headed upstairs to my room to hangout and watch a movie or something random. I hopped onto my bed, Robert following and Ross sitting down a bit more neatly. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked. I wanted to go out and do something stupid, like steal something. "Uh.." Robert said, pondering. "We could just go out on a walk or something to chat." Ross suggested, grinning his V shaped smile. I nodded, and we looked to Robert for either a yes or a no. He was a bit.. "blushy", but he nodded and we headed out. "Lets climb the tree outside my window down!" I said eagerly. "No." Robert said instantly. Ross narrowed his eyes a bit. "Race ya!" I shouted, and clambered to my window, opening it and easily climbing down the tree's branches and trunk. I'd done it twice before. I heard Ross slide down after me, neatly landing, and adjusting his beanie. Show off. I thought jokingly. Robert just stared down. He looked impressed, which turned to a hint of fear from the long jump to the tree, and the rough slide down. I was actually kinda impressed by Ross as well. "Uhm-" Robert said, putting his foot onto the outer windowsill. "You can do it Rob!" Ross called, smiling and giving him a thumbs up. Robert gave him a big smile, and took another step out, quickly jumping on the tree and making his way down a bit slower than me and Ross. He landed on the ground on both feet, stumbling a bit but keeping his balance. Ross gave him a small show of clapping, while I nodded at his performance. We headed out to the neighborhood, near the Candy Club and the haunted house. I had heard about an incident where some guy working there got his arm eaten by that red guy who stole our candy last year. It freaked me out knowing that guy who we just thought was some creepy jerk ended up being a cannibalistic murderer. We talked about random things, yet Ross and Robert's faces always seemed to be some shade of red. I mean, I knew they liked each other. They must be simps. Yep, definitely simps. I smirked as Robert let out a snicker at Ross's unfunny comment on literally nothing important. It seemed everything impressed him. I remembered Ross said that Robert had kissed him on the cheek and thought I was involved, and I was wondering how that ended up playing out while we walked and talked. I was just zoning out as we walked, brushing my hand against a fence as we strolled through the neighborhood. The sun lowered as we walked to a park and hung out. I had spent most of the time doing what Ross called "stupid shit" that I found fun. Such as climbing playground equipment and standing up on swings, and climbing trees at awkward angles. We started our long walk home, we had made quite the difference. I'm pretty sure we walked across pretty much the whole town. We had stopped for some food around 3 pm, but otherwise we had just kept going. I decided to walk with Ross and Robert back to their homes before going to mine despite knowing it would take longer. I heard a small quick breath in clear surprise as we were walking, and noticed Ross's hand in Robert's. I smiled to myself, knowing damn well they would probably eventually realize they both had feelings for one another. It was fun to watch though.


I had slipped my hand into Robert's. He hadn't pulled away, and neither of us said anything. I could feel Roy looking at me. We made it home, and I pulled away from Robert as we said our goodbyes. I swear my stomach was doing flips the entire day. I pulled my beanie over my eyes as I laid down, sighing to myself. My legs were sore from walking all day. I was honestly exhausted. I actually ended up falling asleep, my last thought being that Robert still had my clothes on. I woke up to bright dawn light casting strongly through my window onto my bed. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I checked my phone to a few confused messages from Roy on why I once again didn't spam the group chat. I  gave him a quick response before heading out. I felt like going up to the hill. I walked up there in a short time, and clambered into the tree, neatly leaning against a curved branch. I watched as the sun glowed in the air, warming the leaves around me and sending rays of yellow onto the trunk below. It was a pretty sight. My first thought was that Robert wasn't here to enjoy it with me. I suddenly realized something then and there. I liked Robert, and.. Robert seemed to like me. I mean.. it all adds up, right? He fucking kissed me for god's sake. I sighed and texted Roy about it. He told me, I quote, "Your gay." Like how is that supposed to help me!? I KNOW ROY FOR FUCKS SAKE. But I heard a rustling about a half an hour later, and saw Robert looking around, then up into the tree, seeing me and smiling. I smiled back waving gently in greeting. I moved a bit to the side as Robert struggled to make his way up despite being tall. He made it up eventually, and sat next to me. I questioned telling him about how I felt.. was it too soon? Did he even like me back? If he did, would we not want to be friends? A million questions raced across my mind as a gentle breeze ruffled Robert's and my hair, sending small dandelion seeds across the ground and tiny bugs scattering in fear of birds that flew about in the late spring weather. We started small talk, he also seemed slightly zoned out. 

Ross is definitely going through his choices, and Roy is shipping them. Will Ross or Robert tell the other first? Where and How? Keep reading this story to find out! (Please I'm kinda desperate)

Total Word Count - 1125

- Moonlit Love - Ross x Robert - Spooky Month -Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang