Touchy- Chapter 11

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No Warnings Yay!!!



As the night went by, and 12 am came, I was right. My parents stayed up drinking all night. I snuck out of the window, and climbed to the hill, and saw Ross waiting. I sat down next to him, us chatting once more. I was happy to finally have something to do rather than lay in bed as the night passed listening to my parents argue, or just do nothing but watch youtube and scroll on tiktok and twitter for hours straight. We chatted as normal, Ross's talkative side coming back once more. That still confused me. For a minute, Ross was thinking, and I took the chance to bring up something. "Hey Ross." I said, getting his attention. "Hm?" He asked, looking up at me. "Thanks." I said. He gave me a confused look. "You know, for listening and caring about me." I said, smiling at him. I watched as a V shaped smile formed on his face. I hugged him, tightly. He stiffened in surprise, but then proceeded to hug me back. We came out of it and he was a bit red around his nose and ears. I tried paying no attention to it, yet it tugged at my mind. Did he like me? I mean, it's possible. But I then attempted to listen to Ross as he talked, smiling as he discussed his hyper fixations with me.


We talked and talked and talked, until the sun was ready to rise. We watched it together. Robert got up to walk to school, which I followed him as usual as he got his backpack and headed over. I spent the rest of the day until he got out on the hill, on my phone using the remaining battery I had. I of course went home for a bit for home-school, but came back as soon as I finished. I figured out how to climb into the tree on top of the hill, and lay propped up against a branch in a mostly comfortable way. I walked to Robert's school and thankfully didn't find him being bullied. I walked him home once again. We got to his house, outside his window for him to sneak back in. But then, the least expected thing happened. He took a deep breath and gave me a small peck on the cheek before climbing through and shutting the window, being gone before I could process what just happened. Did he like me? Was that a prank? Roy's idea? I mean I told him, but.. Did Robert want to do that? Did I imagine that whole thing? My mind raced as I walked home, my face a burning mess. I bit my lip as I texted Roy what happened and if he had anything to do with it. Roy said he didn't know, and wasn't online too much. I texted Robert, spamming him. He eventually responded, with a question mark. A singular mark. I didn't know what to say exactly. "Rob, what the hell was that!?" I texted. "Sorry." He responded. Why the hell was he sorry!? For god's sake, I was purely confused about the whole context of this last hour. "What do you mean sorry? I.. I didn't not like it." I texted, blushing hard as I just smashed my face in a pillow in wait for a response. He finally texted me back. "Oh.. well.. I'll see you tonight if you want by, the hill." Is what he said. I eagerly agreed. I wanted to ask him about this in person.


Night came. Why did I have to do that! I could've just waved or something. I looked at the clock that hung on the wall in the darkness. 12:34 am. Probably late enough. I headed up the hill. I couldn't see Ross, but I heard his voice behind me. I realized he was in the tree. I sighed and attempted to crawl my way up there with him, succeeding eventually. "You wanna tell me what that was!?" Ross said as I finished sitting down. I wasn't looking forward to this. "A friendly gesture?" I tried to say it as an excuse. I mean, some people kiss their friends as a sign of caring right? RIGHT? He stares at me. I feel like a swarm of ants is eating at my skin. "Seriously." I say in a more confident manner, trying to have him forget about the whole thing. He looks down, like he was expecting a bit more, and just nodded. "I believe you, I guess." He said. He either wasn't trying to make it believable, or was trying to make it obvious he didn't believe me, but I knew he didn't for sure. We didn't talk the whole night, and left for our homes at about 4 am. I had made a mistake kissing him. Now he is gonna think I'm awkward or something. I played with my own hands as school hours came, we made small talk as he walked me and Roy to school, and I basically fidgeted all day. Didn't pay attention to any of the lessons. Nothing. No learning. Eventually, the bell rang and I was happy to get out.


I knew Robert was lying. It stuck to my mind like a spider to its web. I saw Robert and Roy and waved to them. We talked and talked, dropping Roy off and continuing to walk. I wanted to do something normal with Robert, too I guess forget about what he did. That did seem to be what he wanted. Maybe it was a friendship thing. Maybe I shouldn't have too high of hopes. "Hey Robert, maybe you could come over for a movie tonight? I could invite Roy as well." I suggested, smiling at him but avoiding eye contact. "Oh, sure!" Robert said, his big grin returning. I texted Roy, it took him an oddly long time of typing to say he couldn't go due to his parents. We sighed. Another long amount of time we'd spend alone. This wasn't the point! But I tried to look forward to what we would do together. My mind raced with interesting and ridiculous thoughts, but also with happy hopeful ones. I dropped him off and made it to my house, setting up my room for a movie night. I made some popcorn, and Robert texted me with a question of what time. I told him 7 and he said ok, coming over exactly on time since we lived so darn close. We decided on some random movie, I mostly let him pick, and we finally sat down to watch it. I was bummed we were without Roy, but I dealt with it and reassured myself that I was still with Robert. But, that didn't help my heart rate.

WORDS - 1145

- Moonlit Love - Ross x Robert - Spooky Month -Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt