Restless- Chapter 4

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I woke up. I saw Robert chilling, sitting on a chair in my room. "Ugh-" I groan. I haven't slept for more than an hour in days. Wow. It felt weird. "Mornin', ya bed bug. It's 11 am. I've been sitting here on my phone for a good hour or so." Robert says, looking up at me. Bed bug? That's new. I sit up and stretch. I blink my eyes, adjusting to the bright sun. I remembered falling asleep next to him. "Sorry for not waking you up. I didn't want to disturb you." I said, looking at him. I was worried he would be mad at me. "It's ok." He said, and shut off his phone standing up. "Hey, why don't we invite Roy over?" Robert suggests. "Sure!" I say, and notice my phone was dead. "Hey, shoot him a text. My phone is dead." I say. "Mines low, why don't I grab my charger and just ask him from his house?" Robert asks. For some reason I didn't like the idea of Robert going to Roy's house, but I agreed anyway. Robert needed his charger. He left, and I laid back down. I drifted into thought. There wasn't much else to do, and I didn't feel like reading. I realized I had slept with my beanie on, and fixed its crooked position. I thought about what it would be like to go to school. To see Roy and Robert everyday. Maybe even be in the same class as Robert! Roy too. Yeah, Roy as well. I bet he gets in trouble a lot. I hope he doesn't get Robert in trouble as well. Ugh! Why do I keep redirecting my thoughts towards him!? No, Ross, you're thinking of Roy as well. I pulled my beanie over my eyes to shield them from the bright sun.


I made it to my house pretty fast, grabbed my charger, and snuck back out. My parents didn't even notice. Like they would. They don't notice anything, except for empty alcohol bottles, and the fact that they've run out of drinks. I started towards Roy's house. I made it there pretty quickly, and told Roy the plan. He agreed and I walked him back over to Ross's. We chatted on the way there. "Why didn't Ross text all night?" Roy asked. "Well- I sorta fell asleep on his bed and he ended up sleeping next to me." I answered. For some reason I got butterflies recalling the moment. I shoved them down as Roy talked. I knocked on the door, and heard someone dashing down the stairs, and Ross opened the door, greeting me and Roy. He shut the door and we went back up to his room. I plugged in my phone, and we just started talking. Eventually night came, and me and Roy headed home. I couldn't sleep. At all. I didn't know why. I wasn't even in thought. So I got up, and snuck outside. I went up onto a tall hill to relax since I knew my parents wouldn't care. I heard rustling, but I just assumed it was the breeze, brushing some bushes and small trees nearby where I sat. 


I heard someone approach me. I hadn't been able to sleep, and my phone was dead so I couldn't do anything since I'd bent the charger and needed a new one. The person sat down and laid against one of the small trees on the hill. I peeked around the side and saw someone I least expected. Robert! This was my chance to get him back for yesterday. I leapt out from the tree. "BOO!" I shouted, and he practically rolled over and off the hill. I had to grab his shoulder to stop him from sliding down. I pulled him back up and started laughing my ass off. He looked at me, slightly annoyed for a minute, but eventually started laughing with me. Our laughter died down. "Rob, what are you doing here?" I asked. I came here sometimes when I was really bored at night. Or just needed some fresh air. "Oh- I couldn't sleep." He responded. He seemed like he always slept. It was only then I noticed the circles under his eyes. I instantly felt a stab of sadness. I wasn't the only one who stayed up all night, purposely or not. "I don't get visitors very often." I say in a joking tone and I moved closer to him so that he could hear me over the wind. My hand brushed his and I moved it back. It didn't normally matter. I felt weird about it. I pushed the feeling away. I didn't want to like him. I didn't like him. "Better question, what are you doing here?" Robert asked me. "Oh- my phone is dead and my charger is bent. I didn't have anything else to do." I responded, pulling my beanie more onto my head to protect my face from the winds that were picking up speed. We just sat there for a minute, unsure of what to say. Though I was normally quiet, I felt awkward. We started discussing things we saw online, which led to family matters, which Robert quickly changed conversation about, to not sleeping, to just random things that we had a good laugh about. After a while, Robert yawned and rested his head onto mine. I got butterflies. I didn't know what to do. He was choosing to do this. Would it be rude to inch away? I normally wasn't one to touch. Though I hated the feeling that twirled inside my stomach, I didn't move or shove him away from me.


I rested my head on his without thinking. I automatically assumed he would move away, or push me off. But oddly, he didn't. Maybe he was opening up a bit. He was talking more, laughing more. Genuinely showing himself more. Maybe he just needed someone open to open him. But what new about me would change him? We've been friends for years, and nothing started changing him this suddenly. I shrugged it off. Probably a coincidence. We continued talking. I eventually saw the sunrise starting up. "Hey Rob, do you come here often?" Ross asked. "No, why?" I responded. "This is the BEST place to see the sunrise! Also the sunset if you go to the other side. It might be the tallest hill in this town. Or maybe the second tallest. The hill near the mansion is too far away to see, but you can see basically the rest of the town. I'm surprised nobody's built anything on this hill! Maybe it's because it's so tall. That would make sense. Hey if this was your town, would you build something on this hill, or leave it be?" Ross asked as he talked and talked.  I smiled at seeing him express his ideas finally. "I don't know." I said, and continued listening to him talk. Usually it was me talking and him listening, or vice versa with Roy when he was with us. I would talk, Roy would talk, Ross would answer a question or make short comments and remarks. He's never been open with anybody. Until now.


Hooray <3

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