Talkative Side- Chapter 5

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The sun stood above us and I quieted down. I had never felt more relaxed. I'd been here during sunrise before, but something about being here with Robert felt better. His head was still resting on my head. I didn't care. It was comfortable. The sun shined and heated the ground around us. I felt very warm. I assumed it was the sun, even though the tree we were leaning against covered us pretty well from the glare. "Ross, are you good? You look a little bit overheated." Robert asked. "Oh- yeah." I said. I didn't realize I LOOKED warm! "My mom is gonna wonder where I am." I said. Robert removed his head and nodded. "You sure your parents aren't gonna notice you're gone?" I ask. "Yeah." Robert responds. I shrug and stand up. I wave bye to Robert as the sun lifts fully into view. I sneak back in through my window after climbing down the steep hill, shutting it behind me. I sit down on my bed and sigh. I felt better. I had spent like, 4 hours talking to Robert again. I was always kind of quiet towards our group, and realized I had opened up about a lot of things I normally never would. I didn't know why I trusted Robert a lot more, so suddenly. I mean, I had always trusted him and Roy. We were the "hatzgang", but I suddenly felt more close to Robert than Roy. I went out and bought a charger a little later in the day and messed around on my phone for a while, once again sending the group chat stupid shit. Roy eventually invited us to the park to hangout. I headed out as soon as possible and waited under a tree for them. Roy showed up next, then Robert. "Sorry I'm late guys!" Robert apologized, running up to where me and Roy were chatting. "You should be." Roy joked, and I glared at him. "Jeez, mister I don't get it." Roy commented as he noticed my gaze. "Ok, so have you guys ever killed an iron golem while riding a pig in minecraft?" Roy asked. he kept asking us stupid questions and making dumb jokes about minecraft. He played it with or without us a lot. Robert laughed and I would let out a small sound of amusement now and then. "What happened to the talkative person I was with earlier?" Robert asked me with a joking but puzzled expression on his face. "I dunno, he must be all worn out. Or maybe he went to go play roblox because all of Roy's minecraft jokes are too much for him." I suggested, laughing. Robert laughed as well, and Roy just looked at me with a slightly amused expression on his face, mixed with an "I'm gonna kill you" expression. It made me laugh more, because those were quite the two looks to be mixed together. "Glad you find my face amusing." Roy said, sighing dramatically. I didn't respond, and Robert was wheezing, leaning against the tree.


I was dying laughing, and Ross finally stopped and just sat on the ground with his V shaped smile. It was kind of cute. No- nope! He is just my friend. Anyways. I finally caught my breath and Roy looked like he was holding his laugh in. We chilled and talked for a very long time. The sun was coming down and Ross suddenly looked upset. "Gotta go guys." Ross says, and stands up. "Alright." Roy said. "Awwww!" I said, waving. I eventually went back to my house. I had felt more joyous than usual lately. I scrolled on tiktok for a while. My mom made some crappy freezer dinner and I ate it. Time passed very quickly at night as I was on tiktok. Suddenly the power went out. I jumped as my dim lamp suddenly shut off. The wifi went out and my phone stopped charging. I sighed in annoyance. Nobody would notice the power outage until morning except me. I had nothing else to do so I snuck out again.


I hoped Robert would be there again as I went up the hill. I couldn't tell if anybody else's power had gone out in the neighborhood due to it being about 2 am, so all the lights were out anyways. I snuck back up to the hill. I clambered up the behind side, thinking I could scare him again. I made it up. No Robert. I sighed and sat down. He normally wasn't here, why was I so sad? He had only been up here with me once. I guess I enjoyed being around him. Him and his big, dumb, goofy smile and his oversized coat. His poofy blonde hair, his stupid shoes that were always untied. His- "Heya!" I heard from behind me, making me jump. "God dammit Robert." I said, regaining my balance. "I didn't even mean to scare you that time." Robert said. I moved to the side to make room for him to sit. "Power went out, so I came up here. I'm assuming that's why you did as well?" Robert asked before I could say. I nodded. "No- but seriously, where did your talkative side come from, and where did it disappear too?" Robert asked, giving me a look. I honestly didn't know myself. "I don't know." I answered. But as we started talking, it came back and once again my ideas were the centers of all our conversations. After I had talked for what would've been a 14 page essay, he just looked at me in a, "dude" kind of way. "What?" I asked him. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked. "Dude. You just talked for like, fifteen minutes straight. Clearly your talkative side shows in the middle of the night." Robert said. "Oh- sorry." I apologized. I was a bit embarrassed. I didn't mean to take up the whole conversation. "No, I'm glad you're being more open." Robert said, smiling at me. I looked away. I still felt a little bad. He started up a conversation again, and the night slowly passed as we talked.



Word Count - 1035

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