Needed- Chapter 9

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I hugged him. I was so scared. He talked about doing those awful things to himself, and ending it all. He wasn't responding, I was worried he would actually do it. I teared up as I held him. I didn't let go. "Ross, I-" He started. "Shut up." I interrupted. I didn't want to hear him say anything more upsetting yet. He hugged me back. After a good few minutes I pulled away and stared at him with tears in my eyes. He gave me a distressed look. I noticed he didn't have anything covering his arms, which were full of scars and bruises. He noticed I saw them, and tried to hide them but failed. "Robert. Don't do that. You can't fucking tell me all this.. about you and.. just everything I wish wasn't true and then completely disappear and avoid us!" I shouted at him. He looked down. I shouldn't yell at him. It won't improve things. "I'm sorry for yelling.. but I was so worried I thought.. I thought you might actually... do it." I said. He looked at me with fear in his eyes mixed with sadness and anger. I didn't know who he was angry at though. "I was worried that you.. well.. I-" Robert tried to explain. He couldn't find the words. Or he didn't want to explain. "Robert. Don't push yourself to explain, just don't EVER do that again." I said, crouched on his bed. I grabbed his arms, not forcefully. "And don't do this." I said, with a begging look in my eyes, frowning. He took back his arms, rubbing them uncomfortably. "Please Robert, promise me!" I asked him wearily. He just looked away. "If my parents find you here they'll kill me. You need to leave." Robert said. Was he lying to me to get me out? Did he not want me here? Maybe I was too forceful. "Oh. Sorry Robert." I said, and stood up to leave. I walked out without another word. I walked back to my house, sneaking back in again. I texted Roy. "I succeeded in breaking in. He didn't really explain anything.. not that I let him at first. He told me I needed to leave. So yeah.." I typed and sent. Roy left me on read, either worrying or trying not to alert his parents about anything online. He got in trouble with his parents for being so home so late and drinking underage. I flopped on my bed and just cried to myself. This whole breaking in idea was too much. But I couldn't help myself.  He talked about killing himself and then didn't say anything or respond at all for an entire day when he's the most talkative person I've ever met. My mom got home at last a little later. My siblings didn't know anything and she thankfully didn't check if I texted anybody. When night came, I ate dinner and just stayed in my room. I wondered if he'd be at the hill. At about 2 am, about 3 and a half hours after my parents and siblings went to bed, I snuck out again. I climbed the hill. Nobody sat there. I laid under the small tree at the top, on my side, hoping he would come. He did. I eventually saw him come, and sit next to me quietly. Rings of red underlined his eyes. His poofy hair kept unneatly hidden under his hat. His clothing slightly ruffled and his eyes a bit droopy. But even with all these small imperfections.. I liked him. And I had to admit that to myself. But I didn't know when I'd be confident enough to admit that to him. He laid down next to me, and turned to me. He gave me a soft smile. I didn't know how I managed it, but I gave him a small smile back.


Though he was only there for a few minutes earlier, he had made me feel better. I wasn't planning on doing that to myself that night.. but I was considering it soon. I was afraid though. I remembered my arms and how he asked me not to hurt myself anymore. I knew I should stop. I've known for a long time. But there was never a good enough reason for me. But... he was a good enough reason. He wanted me to stop. "Ross?" I asked. "Yes?" He answered. "I.. I promise." I said. He sat up and looked down at me, smiling his real V shaped smile with thankfulness in his eyes. It made me feel so much better. "But.. you can talk to me whenever you want. I don't want to only hear the truth when you're in an illegal state of mind for your age." He said. I let out a small laugh. I sat up next to him. This time we talked together about happier things. But instead of only one of us talking, we both shared all of our thoughts. The sun arose. It was so calming, me and him watching it together, smiling. It almost felt romantic. But we weren't together. We are best friends and nothing more. I eventually got up and got ready for school. Ross came with me and walked as usual like nothing to Roy's place to walk him as well. Roy saw me and looked like he considered something for a second before giving me a small hug. "We never speak of that again." He said, and eyed me. I giggled a bit and nodded. I softened my gaze. They cared about me. I did have a shitty home life, but I had them. That was the point. School passed, I walked home with them. My parents were drunk in the living room again. They yelled at me a lot for some random reason. It got me down again, but I remembered Ross's words and my promise, and didn't bother to even consider anything about hurting myself. I texted him. I was really tired from getting no sleep recently. I actually ended up getting to sleep, thinking about Ross. I managed to text Ross I wouldn't be at the hill, and he texted he wouldn't either. Maybe he would get some sleep for once as well. 



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