Chapitre 2

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Note I don't know, where the SQ characters canonically live. The only thing I remember hearing was something with the Lappland regions. I picked a city near the Lappland.

Two weeks later Rollan had packed along with Pastor to board on a connection flight with an airship of a French fleet. Pastor's friend he told Rollan about couldn't manage to get the two friends a flight to Murmansk, so they had picked a flight to Paris, so the duo could with luck find another flight to their original destination.

The duo stood behind a man, that was buying for himself a ticket to go on vacation as well, then sighed as there were no tickets available.

"Really? There are no tickets to London?" Questioned the man making the vendor nod.

"I'm sorry sir. I suggest you to take the boat or try again next week," Commented the vendor making the man nod and move away so that Rollan and Pastor could attend the ticket cabin.

"Good day, we'd like two tickets to Murmansk, is that possible?" Questioned Pastor watching the man shake his head.

"Nope, but we have an airship departing to Malmö," Suggested the vendor. The only places we have to offer close to Murmansk are Malmö and Bergen," Commented the vendor, then Pastor exchanged looks with Rollan.

"What one do you prefer? Malmö is the closest one," Commented Pastor making Rollan nod.

"I used to know somebody from the regions of Bergen, but I'm not sure If I could convince them to help me," Commented Rollan.

"Who's the guy?" Questioned Pastor curious.

"Oh it's Orm, know,"

"Oh okay, but.....I thought you two would get along?"

"Yeah I don't remember well, to be honest," Commented Rollan making Pastor nod.

"Come, let's take Malmö. We're at least closer to the destination," Offered Pastor making Rollan nod, then Pastor showed up his two finger. "Malmö, please,"

"Very well," Said the vendor handing out the two cards to the man. "That'll be 15 Thaler per person," Asked the vendor watching both men take out their coin pocket to take out the needed coins. Upon handing the money out to the vendor, they received the ticket and left together the area to make their way towards a large parking lot, where several airships were parked and small crowds in front of the vehicle were waiting for their time to board. The area was separated from the rest of the area with a high fence and at the entrance, another crowd of humans was in queue waiting to be called.

"Wow, this port has more space than the one from Alicante," Commented Rollan making Pastor nod.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so big," Commented Pastor. "Look at the available people going on a ride as well," Pointed the man out making Rollan nod and get into the crowd as well, then looked around himself to see more people appear to join.

"People can buy their tickets earlier, right?" Questioned Rollan making Pastor nod.

"Yes, I think a few days in advance," Commented Pastor. "At least in our hometown. I'm not sure about Paris,"

Rollan heard the whistle of one of the controllers at the entrance, then on a blackboard, that stood on an easel the controller erased the place Rome and wrote on it Malmö making Rollan widen his eyes and nudge his friend on the shoulder.

"Next ship to Malmö! Airship number 7 and 21!" Warned the controller, then the second controller moved his arm to call the passengers for the said location and observed the people come out of the crowd along with Pastor and Rollan.

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