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I can see you from here,
I can hear you from here,
I'm standing right behind you,
Just a few centimetres away from you,
But the distance between our souls -
Is nothing less than light years .

I don't think you can see me-
For you never turned back,
to find me ,
I'm standing there right behind you,
Dying from pain inside out,
I'm choking on my mistakes
and running out of breath .
My love for you once strong,
is becoming stronger regret .
Regret that I loved a person like you -
A heartless monster like you .
But still I can't stop caring ,
I guess that makes me a monster-
A monster for loving a devil like you.

This makes me wonder,
I'm standing right behind you,
Screaming your name in agony,
Why won't you turn,
Why won't you tell me it was not my fault?
Why won't you tell me it's all in my head?
Or wait you think it's my fault don't you ?
Even then you promised to stay,
Didn't you ? It was just words.

This makes me wonder even more,
When I'm dead would you show up?
Would you bring me the white orchids?
I guess you will show up,
Because I'm dead after all.
I guess you'll finally turn back ,
Because I'm not there behind anymore.

I won't wait for you turn back,
I won't wait for you to forgive me,
For mistakes I haven't made -
I'm gonna walk away like you never existed .
Cause now your dead to me more than ever.
If you ever turn back ,
Regretting what you did.
I'm not going to be there anymore ,
And I'm glad.


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