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It's tiring,
It's tiring to fight,
Without knowing the result.
It's tiring to run ,
Without knowing the destination .
How long will you keep fighting ?
How long will you keep running ?

Even if you run forever
How do you know when's forever?
How do you know -
if you'll ever reach the end ?
What is the end ?
After reaching the end will you be happy?
But after all these questions,
what keeps you from stopping?
Why do you keep running?
Why don't you just give up ?
Funny right how dreams work?

Makes you run till you are
drained and exhausted,
Yet does not let you stop ?
It won't  let you wish for it
Instead, it'll make you work for it .

Even after all this time,
Even after all the bumpy roads,
If you're still running-
You're a fighter.
A fighter ,who wants
justice for their dreams.

Taking a break -
doesn't mean giving up.
Running slow-
doesn't mean giving up.
It just means you're stronger,
Your braver,
Brave enough to slow down,
For the betterment of your dreams,
Brave enough ,to not be scared ,
by runners in front.
You didn't stop ,
even though it go hard.

Every person
Who decides to wake up everyday ,
Decides to move on with life,
Decides to keep fighting and running ,
No matter how hard it is-
Are fighters
And I ,
I couldn't be any prouder of you
For fighting this long .
Forever is long, but don't stop .


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