chapter 16

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'Sherrif, Meredith Walker.' Jordan said. 'She still there?' Noah asked.
'Yeah but they moved her to the closed unit.' Parish replied.

'Oh shit-' i said.
'What is it?' Stiles asked.
'Verity, i completely forgot to get her out of eichen, poor gurl must be depressed by now!' I said.
Okay depressed is a but harsh, but i dont think she likes me anymore....
'We'll get her out.' Noah said.

'What did they move her for Parish?' I asked. 'Behavioural issues.' He replied.
Okay that was predictable
'What issues?' Stiles asked.
'She would stop screaming.' Parish replied.

Me, Scott and Stiles looked at eachother dramatically. because well they're dramatic.


'Okay so you forgot to get your best friend Verity out of the nutthouse you were trapped in.' Ambrose said.
'Yes.' I replied.
After i realized that Verity was still in eichen I immediately called Ambrose, they, ofcourse, told Evan who called me really dumb for leaving her, he was right ofcourse but it still hurt.
'Okay so who's getting her out now?' Evan asked me.
'Sherrif is.' I said.
'And why arent you?' Michelle asked.
'Hi Michelle! Didn't know you were there, well im preparing for a battle.' I said.
'A battle?' Evan asked.
'Yeah were going to defeat the nogitsune soon.' I told him.
'On your birthday?!' Evan asked.
'We'll come two!' I heard storm shout.
'Tell Storm she's not comming, and neither are you, i dont want any of you to die, oh and yes on my birthday.' I said.
'Well, good luck with preparing mate, im going to make pancakes, bye.' Ambrose said.
'Bye!' I told them and i hung up the phone.

Sudenly i jumped up when i saw Stiles stand up in a panic, what the fuck?!

I ran up tho him when i saw that he was going to fall

'You okay?' I asked

Scott walked in wondering what was happening.

'What happened? For how long was i out?'
'Just a couple hours.' I told him.
'You should sit down.' Scott told Stiles.
'Where's my dad?' He asked.
'At eichen questioning everyone looking for Meredith.' I replied.
'We promised him we would let you out of our sight.' Scott said.

'Okay and what about the others?' Stiles asked.
'Allison, Isaac, the twins and probably some of Andromeda's pack, they're all looking for Lydia.' Scott said.

'It's starting to feel like we're waiting for a randsom call.' Stiles said while breathing heavily.
'We'll find her.' I told Stiles conforting.

Stiles started fo put on a jacket.

'Are you alright?' Scott asked him.
'Yeah, i dont know why but i just cant seem to get warm.' Stiles said shivering.
'Maybe you should sit down? Take it easily.' I said.
Scott felt him hand.
'Your in pain.' He said.
'Its not that bad.' Stiles replied.
'Its more like a dull ache.'
'Where?' Scott asked.
'Sort of everywere.' Stiles said.

'Dude your freezing.' Scott said while Stiles sat down.

'Tell me the truth.' Scott said.
'How much does it really hurt?'

Then Scott got called by someone.

'Its Kira.' He said and answered the call.
'Hey, whats up?' He asked her.
'Shes here, in coach's class.' I heard Kira say.
'And you need to get here too, like right now.'

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 𝘔𝘈𝘓𝘐𝘈 𝘏𝘈𝘓𝘌Where stories live. Discover now