chapter 6

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Malia and i walked oudside next to Morrel.
'Do you know where you are going?' Morrel asked.

'No, but we know who we are looking for.' I said. 'Scott McCall, he's a great friend of mine.'

'I can tell you where to find him.' Morrel said.

After Morrel told us where Scott was Malia and I walked out of eichen to find Scott.


After we found Scott we gave him the picture and the sword. He then told us something i wasn't really happy about.

'Andy, i have to tell you something about Oryn.' Scott said.
'What is it?' I asked.
'We found red marks on his back three days ago, and yesterday they suddenly disappeared. Thats also when he started acting really weird.' Scott relpied.

'The nogitsune also got him.' I said.
'Where is he?'

'We have no idea, the last time we saw him was in the library.' He said.

Oryn's pov

Yesterday i started feeling really weird, like I wasn't always in control of my body. Like my mind sometimes worked on its own.

'Oryn?' I heard behind me, it was Andromeda.
'Andy! You finally got out of that nuthouse.' I said and hugged her. I also saw someone behind her.

'Who's your new friend?' I asked.

'Thats Malia, Malia this is Oryn, my cousin and one of my beta's.' Andromeda said.
'Nice to meet you.' Malia said and she shook my hand.

'She helped me and Stiles get in the basement. Oh and we saw Verity! and almost got killed by a very weird guy named Oliver.' Andromeda said.
'He tried to drill holes in our heads.' Malia said.

'He tried what?' I said suprised.

'Yeah, we were just investegating the basement of eichen and he suddenly tased us, then he tied us to lougers and almost drilled a hole in Stiles' head, then he stopped, we talked with the nogitsune, i really hate him. Then he walked to Malia and almost drilled a hole in her head. But he got stopped by not so Stiles' and got hit in his head with a screwdriver.' Andromeda told me.

'No so Stiles?' I asked.

'Oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, Stiles got possesed.' Andromeda said.

'He got- WHAT!?' I said.
'Yep, he's evil now. And from what i've heard, you are going to be two.' Malia said.

'Malia!' Andromeda said. 'You weren't supposed to tell him that!'

'Oh but I would've loved to know that IM POSSESED!' i shouted.

Andromeda's pov and timeskip

After we talked with Oryn we, even though he didn't like it. Locked him in his basement, while his parents were gone and me and Malia went to the woods to relief the stress from the past couple hours.

'So, are we like girlfriend and girlfriend now or, you know just friends.' I asked Malia. 'What would you want us to be.' Malia replied.

'I dont know, i like you. But i dont know if i am ready for a relationship.' I said.

'We can just be friends for now, until we both know we like eachother.' Malia suggested. 'Thats okay.' I said. And we continued walking.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 𝘔𝘈𝘓𝘐𝘈 𝘏𝘈𝘓𝘌Where stories live. Discover now