Chapter 46

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"Far? To where?"

"That far."

Huh, yeah.

Very far. (눈_눈)

Here we are, the region surrounding the "Three Wolves" mountain range, because of how many medicinal plants grow there over three hundred different medicines can be produced.

Let's wave our hand high to Yumi's hometown, the Land of Iron where three mountains are howling in the moon.ヾ(・ω・*)

And there in borders of the wolves' mouth, there was a small village called the land of medicine. And that is where I went.

We can say that this is one of the Land of Iron's economic zone that every country goes here for their unlimited variety of medicinal herbs you could choose from.

Tsunade made a right choice for sending me on this mission because I already had somewhere in mind on where to get those herbs, huh? (^ヮ^  ") 

I mean, is she really my mother??! (」><)」

Don't mind me, I'm just rambling on what if this and that. (─ ─ )

What if the identity of Yumi Asakura was true?

I was a run away slave and I also look exactly like her?

Then someone recognized me? Σ(°ロ°)─that kind of thoughts. (─ ─ )

I've bought a variety of seedlings of herbal plants just as what she had ordered me to and just waited for the sun to set. What I had in mind was to take my day off as a field trip and go to the tourist's spots of the country and have a break. Then go somewhere to look for something to be bought back home for treats and souvenirs.

But because Tsunade must be screaming right now, I aborted my plans and went home as soon as possible.

"Good evening," I greeted and just went inside the office without knocking and what greeted me back was they're gathered in groups that they all get disturbed for I just came in.

"So anyway," and the hokage began rumbling again, telling them bunch of words that was still audible to understand that I'm just busy right now on going in and carefully not to make a noise as I close back the door and also watched my footsteps.

"Some host's symptoms are certain swellings, either on the groin or under the armpits. A host of other symptoms are fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, terrible aches and pains—and then, in short order, death."

"It wasn't confirmed yet if it can be transmitted to airborne, but it was said that it can be passed from host to carrier to the mere touching of the clothes."

"I brought you what you asked," I said, intentionally interrupting them that I also used it as a way to join them in the conversation.

"So you're discussing about the plague on the land of greens?" I asked that made them turn towards me. "Just a hunch, but try checking the rodents around the area."

"We're already on it since I also had assumed that this disease also came from the rat fleas, their urine, their saliva, or the rodent itself given the population of the pests crawling around the town," she answered that the frown in her face went deeper. "But it's suspicious on how did it started."

"Rats are used these days as guinea pigs for lab experiments. Maybe someone had done something that caused the plague accidentally."

"You seems to know much about it," that her eyes looked at me with full of curiosity.

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