Molly and Lydia smiled at Jackson's snarkiness. Gerard continued. "Lost none of his charm, has he? You can find him here with us at the Armory. Scott. In fact, I'm going to tell you where to find all of them. Your deputy Hellhound met some friends of his while responding to a call at Eichen House. Your father was on his way back from San Francisco with the goal of entering the fight. But he didn't get far. You might want to tell your mother to skip her shift at the hospital tonight. Liam and his friends are there now. Optimistic of them, but woefully ill-advised. This is how you wage war, Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs. Which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can. And you might even save a few. But your limited resources will be spread thin. Ultimately, you will fall. The dogs of war, Scott. They're coming for you..."

Static resounded from the radio and Molly picked up the radio. "I hope you're still there. You may have big guns and angry people, but we have power and will. You're killing innocents. People who have never hurt you. You may separated us, but we will stop you. The dogs of war will be coming for you." She placed the radio down. "Let's end this."

The group made their way to the Animal Clinic and stood around the metal table. Stiles laced his fingers through Molly's as he told the details of the first day at his internship. "It was literally day one at our internship, and up comes a slide about this guy they've been chasing through the woods in North Carolina."

Malia glanced at Derek. "I thought you were in South America."

Derek nodded. "I was. The bodies of the werewolves I told you about? They blamed me."

"So I learn that the FBI has cornered this feral mass-murdering unsub..." Stiles continued.

Derek cut him off. "I found a group of hunters gathering in a meeting place. I was trying to get information."

Molly shot Derek a look, shutting him up, then looked to Stiles and he continued. "Thanks, Molly. Well, the FBI found out about it too, and they were planning a SWAT assault to take him down. Dead or alive. And, as we all know, though, with Derek, it's preferably dead."


"So I convinced them to take me on a field op."

Molly looked at her boyfriend. "You convinced the FBI to bring an intern to a dangerous Field Op?"

Derek frowned at Molly, hearing her tone of voice. "I'm surprised he didn't convince them that he could lead it."

Stiles shrugged. "I appreciate her encouragement. I tried. Didn't work. Anyway, long story short, I basically, you know, had to save his life." He explained the story.

Derek frowned. "That's not how it happened."

"Yeah, I may have left out a detail, but that's the gist of what happened. It was the essential essence of it."

Derek raised an eyebrow. "You couldn't walk."

"I was limping."

"You couldn't walk and I know that because I was carrying you."

Stiles glared at Derek. "They shot my toe. You want to see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated."

Molly shook her head. "I don't think anyone wants to see your toe, Stiles."

"It's fine now."

Lydia nodded. "Okay, forget your toe."

"Obliterated," Stiles repeated.

Scott rolled his eyes, looking between his friends. "Guys, it's not just the hunters. We've got another problem. It's called the Anuk-Ite. It can get into your head. It can make you see things."

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