Lydia frowned. "There's gotta be another way. We just need to think."

"Think?" Malia scoffed.

Scott nodded. "Yeah. Think about how to get through a supernatural rift that melts steel."

"I didn't say it would be easy."

"But it doesn't have to be so hard," a man told them.

They turned to see one of the new teachers, Mr. Douglas.

Scott stepped closer. "He followed our scent."

"I followed your desperation," Mr. Douglas corrected. "We're all in a tough spot. Desperate to get inside and save everyone and hoping to find a way to stop this army of the dead. We all want the same thing."

"He's got a point."

"If he doesn't kill anyone."

"Else. If he doesn't kill anyone else."

Mr. Douglas sighed. "All that matters right now is getting through the rift."

Malia glared at him, still holding the melted pipe. "They you're out of luck."

Lydia nodded. "The rift burns anything that tries to pass through it."

"Perhaps not everything," Mr. Douglas said.

A figure appeared and Parrish growled at Mr. Douglas.

"Jordan," Lydia called.

"If the Hellhound can open the rift, we all go together."

Malia frowned. "You're the bad guy. I'm pretty sure helping you is a bad idea."

Mr. Douglas shrugged. "Good guy. Bad guy. When has everything ever been so black and white?"

Liam ran up, panting. "World War II." The group looked at him in confusion. "He's a Nazi. He wants his own supernatural army."

Scott narrowed his eyes. "We're not letting you get through that rift."

""Not letting me?" I see. You still think you have a say in the matter." He pulled out a whip.

Lydia and Stiles rushed to a wall. Scott roared, eyes glowing red. Malia jogged toward Stiles and Lydia. Mr. Douglas smacked the whip to the ground, moving closer to Scott. He stood his ground. Scott growled and moved away.

Mr. Douglas turned to Parrish. "Hollenhund."

Parrish walked forward and placed his hands on the barrier, pulling it apart.

"Parrish, stop!" Scott yelled.

Parrish ignored Scott and stepped back from the rift moment later. Mr. Douglas smirked. "Wunderbar." He stepped through the rift and Parrish roared to keep the teens away.

As soon as they went in, Malia yelled, "Now!"

Two Riders appeared and Scott turned to the younger werewolf. "Liam, you, Stiles and Lydia get to the bunker."

They ran off, leaving Scott and Malia with the Riders. One of the Riders threw his whip around Scott's neck, but Scott escaped with Malia's help.

Malia frowned. "The whip. It didn't take you."

Scott looked at his friend. "I don't think they're trying to take us. I think they're trying to kill us."

The Ghost Riders loomed closer, guns drawn. A yell caught their attention and Peter ran through, fighting them off. Peter yelled at them from his spot against the barrels, between two Ghost Riders. "Go!"

The teens began running and heard a loud roar behind them.

They made their way back to Scott's to find that Melissa was missing.

Scott kept calling his mom's number and kept getting recorded messages, slowly growing more and more concerned.

Malia placed a hand on his shoulder, sat next to him and said, "Scott. Scott, your mom is gone. But she's still alive."

Liam sat at the head of the table. "What do we do now?"

"If we hide, they'll find us," Scott said.

"What about Lydia? The Ghost Rider was afraid of her."

Malia shook her head. "It wasn't fear. It's... Almost like reverence."

Stiles let out a defeated sigh. "Doesn't matter. The rift is gone. We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills."

A knock sounded on the door and Sam and Dean walked in, making his way to the kitchen where the teens were gathered.

Dean spoke. "Sam and I have a half-sister. Her name is Molly Elizabeth Winchester." He and Sam smiled. "We remember. When Molly was a little kid, she couldn't say her first name. Not sure why. It pretty much rolls off the tongue. But, uh, the closest thing ahe could get was "Mowy"..." He let out a heavy sigh. "I remember when, uh... When Stiles first got his Jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The night we arrived on town, she met Stiles and immediately got into trouble. As soon as she started hanging around Stiles, she was always getting into trouble. But she always had a good heart. Always. We're here tonight because the sheriff's goofball son decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body and our troublesome half-sister decided to join minutes after arriving in town."

Scott and Stiles' eyes misted over. "How did you remember?"

Sam smiled at Stiles. "It started with Stiles' jersey which she liked to steal because she liked being as close to Stiles as she could. Then Dean and I found the red string for her crime board, which she got inspiration from Stiles for. Finally, her whole room came back and all the memories. And then the strangest thing happened."


"We thought we saw her. It's like something opened right there in the middle of the room. Just for a moment. And then it was gone."

"A rift."

Malia frowned. "I thought there was only one rift. We saw it disappear."

Scott turned to the brothers. "Because you remembered Molly, a new rift must have been created."

Malia nodded slowly. "If Sam and Dean can do it..."

"Maybe we can," Lydia replied.

Stiles sighed. "But that rift closed."

"Then we'll open it again," Scott told him.

"How?" Sam and Dean asked with a frown.

Scott leaned closer to them. "By remembering Molly. We have to remember everything."

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