1. Introduction

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Thank you for considering my story! This is the first time I've ever attempted to write a book so please be gentle with me. But I do welcome some constructive feedback! This is actually my initial draft I'm posting as I'd really like some feedback before I get too far down the rabbit hole.

There is one scene toward the beginning of the book that involves physical abuse and attempted sexual abuse. I do put a warning in at that time, should you choose to skip that portion. However, it is mentioned again a couple times afterward as she's trying to cope.

Topics I'd particularly appreciate feedback on:

1. PLEASE send me your suggestions for a BOOK NAME! I had zero ideas so just threw something on there. (Dream because I literally dreamed a good portion of what will be book two, which is what lead to me writing this)

2. I feel like I need to throw in more quirky words, phrases, or experiences to show she's in an alternate reality, but haven't come up with more ideas yet. Do you feel that aspect is lacking as well? Or leave it as is?

3. Does the story line move too fast, too slow, or just right? I did a lot of back and forth on what the pace should be, so let me know.

There will for sure be two books. They are set in the same universe, with a lot of the same characters, but the main characters will switch between book one and two. So if you do enjoy this book, please plan to read the sequel when it comes out!

Many of the character names have come from my family.

Nina (pronounced Nine-ah. Was my great aunt. That name, with that pronunciation was common a couple generations ago where I'm from).

Pearl (my great great grandmothers name. In these books she hates her name and prefers to go by Pea, instead).

Fulton & Hezron   (SO many men in my family have one of these names as their middle name. I'm told they were first names of great great something or others)

Meece (my grandmother's name)

Lena (a minor character in the story, but this is my aunts name). 

That's all for now, but there are plenty of unique names in the family I may pull from later.
All the other names were just whatever popped into my mind.

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