37. Lost time- Spencer

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When I walked inside the house, I saw a woman sitting between two kids. The moment I laid eyes on them, they instantly looked familiar to me, even though I had never met them before.

Archer looked more like me than I did, making me smile. I looked over at Sophie, instantly being reminded of AJ. The lady was more than happy to let me take them for ice-cream.

When we got into the car, Sophie and Archer sat in the back seat, both of them clearly happy to see me. The moment we started driving, the questions began. They knew who I was, which made me happy, but I didn't know what they had been told by AJ.

The questions revolved around how old I was, how I met their mother or why I never called or came to visit. Some questions were easier to answer than others.

By the time our 4 hour drive was over, both kids were asleep, which calmed me down. I parked at AJ's apartment - now primarily owned by Bailey.

I carried Sophie into the apartment, Archer holding my hand. I quietly knocked on the door, Bailey greeting me with a smile as soon as she saw who I was holding on to.

"You know about them." She cried with happiness, hugging me once both kids were sleeping on the couch.

"Took a while, but AJ finally told me." I lied, my hands grasping the gun that was hidden behind my jumper. I loved Bailey, seeing as I had known her for over 5 years, but I cared more about getting AJ's attention. When Bailey wasn't looking, I whacked her on the side of her head with my gun, watching with a smile as her body feel with a thud onto the floor below her.


For the past 2 hours, Bailey sat on the chair in her bedroom, both her hands and ankles tied up. I sat at the kitchen island, sipping on a coffee as Archer and Sophie woke up.

"Dad, Sophie and I are hungry." Archer ran over to me, his hand landing on mine.

'What do you feel like? Pancakes? Toast?" I offered, remembering the kitchen layout.

"Pancakes please." Archer smiled as he helped himself and Sophie onto the chairs next to me.

"You have excellent manners, just like your mother." I kissed Archer's forehead.

I spent the next 25 minutes making pancakes for the twins, both of them watching me intently. I answered more questions, getting to know the twins better. I panicked when I heard noise coming from Bailey's bedroom.

Handing the kids two pancakes each, I walked over to the bedroom, holding a gun to Bailey's face in order to keep her quiet.

After the twins had finished their food, I let them watch TV, which, considering what they chose, I didn't mind. With the show distracting them, I grabbed my phone and walked into Bailey's room, locking the door behind me. I pushed her chair against the furthest wall, giving her a white background. I pressed record, watching as she spat the cloth out of her mouth.

"W- Why...why are you d- doing this to me?!" She screamed, letting more and more tears slip down her cheeks.

"Smile." I tilted my head, still recording.

"AJ! PENELOPE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" She screamed out before I hit her head again, knocking her out before putting the cloth back into her mouth. Once she was silent, I stopped recording. I turned off the burner phone and put it into an envelope.

I spent the next 30 minutes getting the envelope to the BAU team, dropping the envelope onto Hotch's desk before leaving the BAU and the building itself. I managed to get back to Bailey's apartment before Sophie and Archer even noticed that I was gone.

Opening the front door, both the twins jumped up and gave me hugs. I hugged them both back, feeling closer to AJ than I had in 5 years.

I sat down on the couch, Archer and Sophie sitting down with me. Knowing the front door was locked, I proceeded to watch a movie with the twins, and as I expected, halfway through the movie, both Archer and Sophie pulled out books and started reading completely ignoring the movie that was playing on Bailey's TV.

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