2. Prologue

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Nina looked at her watch for the thousandth time and bounced her leg unnaturally fast. Had she somehow gotten the slowest cab driver in all of North Carolina?

But nothing could bring down her spirits this morning. Today was the day. Years of dreaming, hard work, and planning have led to this day and yet she still wasn't sure if she believed it was actually happening.

To have actually earned a spot on an archaeological team was a dream come true for Nina. Today they were leaving for Turkey to join a local team at a dig site for ruins that were discovered earlier this year.

She lived for the excitement that came from learning about different cultures and experiencing new things. She couldn't wait to finally be experiencing and witnessing these cultures first hand instead of only reading about them. And all while discovering artifacts and new clues to the cultures of their past!

A little squeal escaped her before she could keep it in, but she was too excited to care if the cab driver thought she was a weirdo.

Once at the University, she joined her team in checking all of their supplies for a final time before loading it all up on the transport bus. Only a few more minutes until she would be taking the first step into this new part of her life.


"I'm over here Pea!" she yelled as she ran towards her sister. They collided in a fierce hug as Pearl caught her breath. "I'm so sorry Nina, I left work as soon as I could."

"I know, I understand. Maybe now that you don't have to take care of me, you can stop working so much and take some time to do things for yourself." Even as she said the words, she knew what her sister's reaction would be.

"Nina! You know I would do anything for you. You don't have to leave. I-"

"Pea, stop! Let's not spend my remaining few minutes here arguing. You know I'm not leaving because of that, I'm leaving because this is my passion, and I want you to follow your passions as well." Her sister just sighed in response.

"Listen Pea. I love you. I appreciate you. You've been the best big sister slash mother an orphaned girl could ever ask for. But you have got to start living your own life and stop worrying about me!"

"I guess I'll try and work on figuring that out while you're gone." Nina flashed a huge smile at what she considered a monumental victory. This gained her a smile from her sister in return.

"But you better return home to me in one piece. And call. Send me pictures and updates every chance you get. I want to know you're ok every single day. No matter what time it is. Got it?"

"Yeah yeah Mom, I got it." Nina rolled her eyes but smiled and hugged her sister.

"I'm going to miss you so much Pea. But please be excited for me. This is what I've always dreamed of."

They remained locked together until the Director called for everyone's attention. "Alright folks, say your goodbyes and then head onto the bus. It's go time!"

The older sister tensed and her brows bunched together. "Pea, I promise I'll be alright. I love you and I'll check in often. Please stop worrying. And promise me you'll start taking care of yourself for a change while I'm gone."

Pea rolled her eyes in response.

"Promise me, Pea."

"I promise." was all she could croak out, fighting her emotions.

They embraced in one final bear hug before Nina turned and headed for the bus, looking back at the last moment to yell  "I'll be back before you know it, Pea! I love you!" She turned and headed onto the bus to hide her tears.

She found a seat and whispered her personal mantra to herself. "Only positive thoughts and new experiences from here on out."

Author's Note: These first few chapters are really short. I'm sorry! But they're more for back story and character introduction before we get into the thick of it.

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