Lydia glanced back at Corey. "You could have hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him."

Scott ignored her and began walking away, followed by Malia and Corey. "I have to find Liam."

Stiles grabbed Molly's hand. "Hey, text me. For anything."

Molly nodded. "I got it."

"Anything at all, okay?"

"Stiles, I will."


The group made their way to the water treatment plant. They slowly walked down the hallway, surrounded by pipes. Malia and Molly kept themselves a short distance from the boys and looked around.

"Liam!" Malia called.

"Can you catch a scent?" Mason asked.

Scott shook his head. "There's too many chemicals."

"Then this might take awhile."

Molly let out an irritated sigh and followed Scott and Mason down the hallway, grasping onto Malia's arm for reassurance.

The teens called out their names over and over.

Scott turned to the others and said in a breathless voice, "Okay, we need to make sure that we're not covering the same area."

"Scott, do you have your inhaler?" Molly asked.

"Quiet," Scott told her. "I think I hear something."

"Could've been nicer. What do you hear?"

Malia heard the same noise and questioned, "It's the lights, isn't it?"

Scott motioned for the others to follow. "Come on. This way."

Mason let out a loud sigh. "I'm telling you guys, we've been down this one before."

Scott stopped as he stared at the end of the tunnel. "What the hell are we doing? We're running up and down this place. Up and down the tunnels. And there's no way..." He took a moment to catch his breath. "There's no way that we're gonna find..." His breaths became more rapid.

"Scott, you need your inhaler," Malia said. "Scott, use it. Use your inhaler."

He began wheezing and pulled out his inhaler. He took a puff of air and his breath returned to normal. "This is all my fault. We're never going to find them. It's my fault."

"Scott," Mason began as he offered a hand, which Scott accepted. "We should keep looking. We should keep trying."

Scott glanced to Molly and Malia for confirmation and the girls nodded.

Their search proved to be a failure, but Theo had found them. Molly wiped at some dust on her jeans only spreading it further. Malia, Scott and Mason were covered in the same sweat and dust.


At Scott's house, Molly saw Liam and Hayden cuddling on the couch and smiled lightly. Theo hugged Scott and the witch stood in front of Liam and asked, "You guys okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, thanks to Theo."

"You two are safe now. We just have to hope this doesn't happen again."

As Molly was getting ready to leave, she heard Theo say, "I know what you're doing." Instantly, she hid behind a corner and listened in.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles retorted.

"Molly. You really think she's going to want to be with you? Why would she choose you when she could be with a werewolf? A werewolf with more power than you could ever have."

Stiles narrowed his eyes. "She's free to make her own choice."

"Do she and Scott know about what you did? You know it's only a matter of time before they find out."

Stiles voice cracked slightly. "Stop it. You have no idea how they'll react. How she'll react."

Theo sighed. "Enjoy the moments you have now, Stiles. Things are only going to get worse from here on out. Molly's quite a pretty little thing. And quite the huntress. The Winchesters are pretty famous, you know."

"You tell them, then!" Stiles snapped. "Stop taunting me and leave Molly alone!"

"They deserve to know; that's all. And if a pack member is keeping something from his alpha, I think Scott should know."

"Whatever. Bye, Theo," Stiles answered angrily.

As soon as Theo walked away, Molly stepped out from her corner and said, "What was he talking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Stiles. What was Theo talking about?"

He shook his head. "Molly, I'm sorry."

"For what? Why can't you tell me?!"

"Because I don't want you to hate me!"

"Hate you? I could never hate you. Just tell me what it is you're hiding."

Stiles stared at her and as much as he wanted to tell her, but couldn't.

Molly scoffed and walked away. " I thought you trusted me, Stiles."

"I do trust you!"

"Not enough." She stared at him with both sadness and anger before walking away.

Stiles watched her leave with a solemn expression. He'd hurt her, again, and he swore he'd make it up to her.

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