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A/N: Hey people! Hru? School continues to be cruel so I hope you guys all have a good day!
***Half an hour after May left***

"Dude, I gotta go," Ned says to me. I'm a bit disappointed he has to go so soon. I really wanted to continue the Lego Death Star; it's so cool! But it is really late. "Alright, see ya Monday!" I say as he walks out the door. I look behind me to see Nova stirring on the couch in her sleep. She usually has nightmares. If she's left in one too long she has an anxiety or panic attack. I quickly rush over to her and lightly shake her. Nova quickly shoots up panting. I take a hand and hold it for a moment before letting it go to sign. "It was just a nightmare. You're safe." She looks pale and is shivering. I pull the blanket up to her shoulders as she sits.

She looks at me with haunted eyes and starts to sweat. "What's wrong?" I sign. She looks to the sink which is steaming. I cautiously walk over to the sink, and the metal parts of it are melted. That's really weird, sorta creeps me out. I look to the side. The stove is on. I don't remember it being left on, and I fumble with the knobs which turn them on and off. But it's already off. But Nova doesn't have fire powers... that's weird. I hear a small whimper from behind me. She's standing now and looks scared. "I'm sorry," she signs. "I didn't mean to, I don't know how I do that." I grab a tissue since her nose is bleeding; a sign she definitely did something to do with her powers while she was asleep. "It's fine," I sign. "We'll figure it out together." Before I can go to hug her my phone is ringing. It's Mr. Stark. "Are you ok?" He asks before I can even say hello.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?" I hear him sigh in relief before he responds. "Turn on the news and get suited. Tomorrow we have to talk to Nova. Stay safe kid." He hangs up. But what about the news? Everything's fine. But when I turn it on, that's not the case.

"A tsunami has washed over the southern part of queens, this was unexpected and scientists were unable to predict it. Many people are lost, stranded, and thousands dead. A tornado rips through the other parts of the neighborhoods in the area, and some buildings are mysteriously on fire. At the start of all this was an earthquake. So now-,"

I turn off the news as I see Nova almost break down. She points to herself and back at the TV. I know what she's asking. I give a small nod. I take her by the hand and to the room where we change into our suits. She did this all while in a nightmare. She practically destroyed a part of queens sleeping. I can tell she's really guilty, and I don't know how to react. One one hand, she didn't know she was doing it. On the other, people are dead because of her. But she deserves a second chance, especially since it wasn't entirely her fault.

I take her by the waist and we swing through the city. Her grasp on me is strained and tight, and her breathing is fast and trembling. Keep swinging and holding her, wanting to tell her that it'll be okay but having both my hands occupied. If she's still able to get the cochlear implants after this, maybe it'll be easier for us to communicate when our hands are busy. Maybe Flash won't bully her as much. But as I think about this, I see what's she's done, and I gasp.

Burning buildings crumbling, body's in the high water, and people screaming. I don't see the tornado, so maybe it left. But we both swing down and I set her on the ground. "Get the people somewhere safe," I sign. "I'll get other out of the buildings." She nods and I start moving to the first building. "Karen," I call to my AI. "Show me everyone who's in the building." Through my screen I see red figures of people show up. Looks like two kids and one adult. Second floor.

I rush up the stairs and into the room they're in. I cough a little bit, and I squint my eyes as they water. Just because Mr. Stark gave me a suit doesn't mean that it blocks out the smoke. But I see the people huddled together. "Help them!" The man says to me. "I'll come back for you in a moment!" I yell to who must
Be the dad of what looks like two five year old boys. I pick them up and swing out the door. It's hard to hold two of them with a single hand, but it works. I go to a nearby tree and place them there. If I put them on the ground they might drown. "Stay here, okay? I'm going to get your dad!" I yell to them before swinging back up. "Are they safe?" He asks me before coughing. "Yeah, let's get you out of here now." I grab his waist and jump out the window and he yells. I set him down on the tree with his kids as he thanks me. "It's really no problem, sir. Gotta save other people now. Stay safe!" I yell to him as I look for the next building. I repeat this a few times, but each building has freshly toasted people. I'm not doing this fast enough.

At some point Mr. Stark even joined us, but that didn't make much of a difference either. I see Nova take one more person out of the water and somewhere safe. "What more can I do?" She asks. No one else is in the water, should I let her help with the people in the fires? She's the only one who can really do this, but she'll need to push herself like never before. "Mr. Stark, Nova's the only one who can stop it all. Can she?" There's a long silence. "Shit, fine. Just stay with her as she does it, okay?" I'm already signing to her what to do. Even though I can't see her face, I know she's feeling nervous. But she wants to help out, I know she does. So she nods. She lifts up her hands and the water follows, floating in mid-air. She takes a sharp breathe and stops, holding it in in. It's sorta like the ones I used to take when I got stabbed on a rough patrol day. Then she slowly moves it to the fires, and her arms shake as she does so. It reaches the insides and she lets go: letting the water fall in the buildings, setting out the fire.

She coughs a few times, then many times. Eventually, she lifts enough of her mask I can see what she's coughing out. Blood. Crap crap crap crap crap. I help hold her up and start to swing to the Avengers Tower. I know that some other Avengers are going to help out the people still in the buildings, and Mr. Stark flys behind us. I land on the roof with Nova, but she pushes me away. Mr. Stark soon lands. "Why the hell did she do that Peter? Why did you swing away? You have a lot of explain-" He's cut off by Nova getting into another bloody couching fit. "Shit," he says to himself as he nears Nova to help her walk to the MedBay. She pushes him away and walks there herself, occasionally sitting down in the hallway to catch her breath.

I don't know why she's rejecting us, but her face is getting more and more pale and her walking is more and more shaken as she shivers. She finally reached the room where Bruce is already waiting for her. She almost collapses on the bed as Mr. Stark and Bruce wave me away. "Kid, get out of here. I'll join you when she's stable." And with that, Mr. Stark closes the door on me. I'm frustrated. Really frustrated. Why can't anything just be easy for Nova and I? I just want us to be happy and for her to sleep without destroying the city.

I just want everything to be fine.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now