||| Chapter 14 |||

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[ Hailey's POV ~ Drew's Basement ]

I didn't know whether I would want to be here or with Zander. Neither of them were fun choices though, so I probably wouldn't want to be with the either of them.

Blood trickled down my forehead, pain thumped in my head as I tried not to pass out

These past couple of days had just been Drew constantly knocking me down and me trying to escape when he wasn't around

I had found an air vent that I could fit through and a screwdriver to unbolt the screws... but I wasn't the best at this kind of- ehm- stuff

It would take at least three more days (hopefully) before I could get through the air vent, so all I could do was try not to pass out when Drew wasn't around and just survive

Being here was scary, the basement lights were almost always off, only a dim flashlight I had found in one of the crates. So it wasn't that bad (A/N: stop lying to yourself Hailey)

Just hopefully, I'll be able to get out soon.

Suddenly, the light turned on and a crazy magenta haired boy started walking down the stairs of the basement, I immediately hid the flashlight and screwdriver in the corner of the room where I knew Drew wouldn't be able to see it.

Hopefully I'll get out of here soon.


[ Jake's POV ~ In Drew's House lol ]

Okay, I will admit that I let Luke come along with me and Lia. I didn't think of it originally but when I told Luke what me and Lia were going to do, two hours later he decided he wanted to come along.

Lia found this suspicious, but hey, it's fine. Why would Luke hurt us anyways?

Anyways, me and Lia had decided to split up- since it was around eleven o'clock, I didn't think Drew would be able to hear us. Especially with his sound proof walls.

Lia had decided to go alone, and me and Luke were both trying to find Hailey together though, even though Lia said that we should go alone

Me and Luke still decided to go with each other anyways.

The hallways were dark, To be honest you couldn't see much. I had never known Drew had a basement before so I wouldn't know where it is... which is the reason Lia had said we should spread out and separate

Me and Luke, obviously and I can still confirm, didn't listen to that.

I can't help but feel like I shouldn't be with Luke. Like it's a bad thing, I shouldn't be with him. I can't shake off this bad feeling, but I can sure as hell defy it.

Ever so suddenly, I feel a thumping pain in the back of my head, as if something hard had hit me. Metal.

I can feel blood trickle down my head at the harsh impact and my vision starts wavering, at this point I can barely see.

I look behind me to see a person I had not expected to be holding the frigid metal pole that not only had a hint of my blood on it but had for some reason been in Drew's house in this exact hallway we were in at the moment,


What the hell. Who spit in his vegan ice cream?

As I start seeing stars, verge of passing out I hear Luke say something:

"I'm sorry Jake..." Luke starts.

"Let's just say Drew put a gun to my head..." Luke mutters as I black out


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