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Evangeline was in Meredith's bathroom with Meredith and Cristina

"It's not us it's them. Them and their stupid boy... penises. They didn't tell me they had a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you or cheat on you."Meredith said from her spot on the floor

"It's not that Burke broke up with me. It's how he broke up with me-- like it was business like it was a business trans-- like he was the boss of me?"Cristina said as she slid open the shower door

"He is the boss of you."Meredith and Evangeline pointed out

"Also the whole fiance cheating on me was bound to happen, I hate to say that but it's true I mean when me and him go together I thought he changed but I was proven wrong. Now I have George and I couldn't be happier."Evangeline said from her spot lying on the floor by Meredith

Meredith and Cristina nodded in acknowledgment

" Good for you but what's worse is that I care."Cristina piped up after some silence

"I'm gonna throw up again."Meredith said at the same time as she crawled to the toilet causing Cristina to pull close the shower door and Evangeline moe to hold her hair "No wait, false alarm."

"The problem is estrogen."Cristina said as she pulled open the shower door again

"No, the problem is tequila."Meredith said as she sat against the wall

"Or it could be a mix of both."Evangeline said as she sat down next to Meredith.

"I used to be all business. And then he goes and gets me pregnant."Cristina said causing Evangeline to nod in agreement

"With his stupid bot penis."Meredith said in a songlike tone

"Now I'm having hormone surges."Cristina said putting her forehead on her hand

"Those are the worse it's like one minute you're all happy then the next your crying your eyes out because your boyfriend ate the last of the cookies."Evangeline said

"They ruined us, They ruined us. Burke turned me into this fat, stupid pregnant girl.... Who cares. And Evangeline is still somehow stunning looking and you can't even tell she's pregnant but she cries at the drop of a hat. Uhh Estragen."Cristina said before closing the shower door once again.

"Penise, Penises, Izzie."Meredith said as Izzie and George walked into the bathroom

"Estrogen, George."Cristina called from her spot in the bathtub

"Okay. What did I miss?"George asked as he set his toothbrush and toothpaste down to help Evangeline up

"I came home to full-on vomit drama."Izzie said "Apparently, she dumped Derek. And her? She's been sleeping with Burke. and Ev was just here for emotional support and was a dd for them" Izzie said whispering the part about Burke

"Oh, I knew about the last two."Geroge said before turning to brush his teeth. "So are you really broke up with Shepherd?" George asked causing Evangeline to shoot him a look and hit his arm

"I feel empty." Meredith said void of emotion

"Two hours of vomiting will do that to you."Izzie said as she started to brush her teeth

"No I feel empty." Meredith said

"Your lucky, I feel pissed off."Cristina said before laying back


As they all arrived at the hospital Evangeline could see Meredith's annoyed expression once she got out of the car she saw the reason why and decided to rush to the door

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