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"What the hell are you doing here? Evangeline asked in anger

"I did try to call you Ev if you would answer my calls you would know that I'm here to work." Addison said

"Yeah well, I don't answer backstabber's phone calls, and don't call me that." Evangeline said

"Look Evangeline I'm really sorry, I never meant to hurt you or Derek."Addison said

"Oh, so you thought I would be fine with you sleeping with my fiance 2 days before my wedding? did you think I would congratulate you? throw you guys a party for not only breaking my heart but Dereks as well?"Evangeline asked in anger

"No of course not." Addison said

"Look I'm done with the I'm sorry's and the excuses you know what you did so own up to it, I'm not gonna forgive you anytime soon so while you're here leave me and Derek the hell alone, and don't talk to me."Evangeline said before walking off while bumping into Addison's shoulder hard.


Evangeline was sitting at the bar in Joe's waiting for George when she felt someone grab her shoulder.

"Hey Mer, what's up?"Evangeline said

"Don't what's up me, you knew Derek was married and didn't tell me."Meredith said

"It wasn't my place and I thought he told you plus why would I want to talk about someone who..." Evangeline said before getting cut off

"All hail the champ." Joe yelled as Cristina and George walked in "So my guy Alex got what was comin' to him?"

"George knocked him down in one punch. You shoulda seen it."Cristina said as George wrapped Evangeline in a hug

"I don't want to talk about it."George said with his arm still around Evangeline

"Brag, champ, brag. You've earned it."Joe said as George sat down

"Can I have a beer?"George asked

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most."Meredith said

"Let's not."Cristina said

"I'll win. I always win."Meredith said

"You don't want to play with me." Evangeline and Cristina said

"Oh, I do. I'll even go first. Dereks married " Meredith said causing George to spit his drink out

"George beer is dripping from your nostrils."Cristina said causing Geroge to go clean up

"Told you I'd win."Meredith said

"First did you know about this Evangeline? Second no you don't win."Cristina said

"Yes it's not what you think, and she's right you don't."Evangeline said

"Did you guys hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar, married. Nothing either of you could say could top that." Meredith said

"I'm pregnant."Cristina and Evangeline said at the same time

"I still might win."Cristina said

"I don't think so I'm 5 months pregnant with my adulterous ex's baby and the worst part is he cheated two days before our wedding with a person who was like a sister to me so I win."Evangeline said

Both Cristina and Meredith looked at her before they heard a bang

"Joe are you all right?"Someone asked before Joe collapsed causing everyone to run to him

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