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Evangeline's phone was going off again and she was extremely close to throwing her phone into the wall.

"I swear if they call me one more time I'm gonna fly to them and cut off their arms."Evangeline said as she shut her phone off as she  rode the elevator with Derek

"They're calling you to?" Derek asked

"Yes, and it seems they're calling you just as much as their calling me."Evangeline said as Derek's phone went off.

"Yep, they've been calling me since I woke up at 5, you?" Derek asked

"4 am, wasn't the wake-up call I was expecting."Evangeline said

"Good luck and stay strong."Derek said before they went their separate ways 

"How's the new girlfriend?"Evangeline asked George hiding the jealousy she was feeling 

"She's good, thanks for asking."George said with a smile

"No problem well anyway I better get going, I got labs to drop off." Evangeline said before rushing off 


After waiting for what felt like forever Evangeline went to pick up the lab results for her patient 

"Syphilis? That's not surgical. Who has syphilis?"Evangeline heard Izzie ask 

"Someone has syphilis?"Evangeline said making her presence known

George ended up grabbing both of their arms and dragging them somewhere more private 

"You have syphilis?"Izzie asked once they were all alone

"SHH!" George said as he ran to close all the blinds and door to the room they were in "I don't know how this happened."

"Of course you do. Olivia must really get around."Izzie said

"Olivia! She's not like that."George said quickly

"It's a new millennium George. The only people who aren't like that are the Amish and. apparently you." Izzie said

"While she said it wrong she does have a point, George, Olivia could have got it from a previous partner, but that doesn't mean anything her partner could have been the one getting around, we are in no way bashing Olivia or saying she's a bad person." Evangeline said

"You don't know. Maybe I've been sleeping around. Maybe I got ladies."George said ignoring what Evangeline said as she and Izzie stifled a laugh at the last part. "Shut up. What I'm I gonna do?" 

"It's no biggie. A couple of doses of penicillin will knock it right out."Izzie said causing Evangeline to nod in agreement 

"What am I gonna do about Olivia?" George asked

"For starters stop sleeping with her, unless you want that thing to fall off." Izzie said laughing at the end 

"That is twice you trashed-talked the girl I could one day potentially-- well not love but like a whole lot." George said

"I'm gonna go but George if she gave it to you, you have to tell her."Evangeline said before leaving barely hearing George say three and Izzie laugh 


"Alright, Mrs.Somerset, I'm just gonna do a quick recheck of your vitals while we wait for Dr.Bailey to finish with surgery." Evangeline said walking over to Mrs.Somerset

"Okay dear, and haven't I told you to call me Ethel" Mrs.Somerset said causing Evangeline to laugh a little and apologize

Has Evangeline put the blood pressure cuff on Mrs.Somerset's arm, Mrs.Somerset cried out

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