End Of The Road

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On The Following Day

Andrew was on the floor with Jesse leaning on him asleep.

"Versace was referred to as the master of glamour and glitz, and he found massive success by dressing his clothes on the rich and beautiful. "A man in search of the essence of beauty" is how he was described by Princess Diana, who often wore his creations. Versace's memorial will be held inside Milan's iconic Duomo. Those in attendance will remember. Versace's favorite quote from a Russian author: "Beauty will save the world." 

The newsman said as the memorial starts on the tv as Jesse woke up.

"The loss of Gianni Versace has been felt around the world. But let us not forget the man himself. He leaves behind a family: his older brother, Santo, his younger sister, Donatella. Their love for him was incomparable. To these people...those closest to him, his loved ones...we offer our prayers."

Then light classical music starts playing as Andrew stands up then he helps Jesse. The two walk to the bedroom where the two lay down on the bed for a nap. Andrew moves closer to Jesse and he holds her in his arms. Later that day, Jesse hears the front door open making her sit up. "Is anybody here? I am armed." Jesse hears someone making Andrew leave the bed while grabbing his gun. Andrew sees the man holding a handgun while looking around the place. Andrew fires a shot, sending the man fleeing then Andrew walks back into the room where he turns on the bedroom's tv. 

"We're interrupting our current program to bring you a live update in the hunt for Versace's killer. Reports are coming in that law enforcement in Miami Beach have cordoned off a houseboat on the Indian Creek canal and that a standoff is currently in progress."

The newsman said as Andrew and Jesse heard a helicopter approaching.

"Law enforcement has blocked off access on both sides of Collins Avenue, creating a perimeter. SWAT and FBI agents are on the scene, as well, to assess and assist in the situation. For more on this developing story, we go live to Miami Beach."

The newsman said, soon Jesse and Andrew were totally surrounded then the phone starts ringing. "Mr. Cunanan, this is the police. We just want to talk. Please be calm. I repeat, we just want to talk. We know you're in there, and we can help." The two can hear Officer Over talk to them from the outside. 

"He can't fathom the violence. At Bishop's, a private school in the affluent La Jolla area, Cunanan was voted Most Likely to be Remembered. Acquaintances and friends remember Andrew Cunanan as an affable young man, not as a serial killer from the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list."

The newsman said on the tv. "They think I killed him by myself." Andrew said to himself making Jesse look at him then the power was cut off. "What do we do now?" Jesse asks Andrew as there was glass shattering downstairs and gun shoots going off.

Enjoy the three outcomes of this story.

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