We Meet Again

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San Francisco

Andrew was in one of the best restaurants in San Diego with some of his friends. "You still haven't explained how you're so ridiculously wealthy all of a sudden." One of Andrew's friends said to Andrew who looks at him. "I'm a consultant for a Texan oil millionaire, his name's Lincoln Aston." Andrew said to them lying to them. "What do you know about oil?" Another asks him. "I know how to work a greasy pole." Andrew said to him making the group laugh. "I can vouch for that." Another one said to them. "To Andrew." One of them said while they raise their glasses. "To Andrew." They all said at the same time. "What do you think everyone at this restaurant sees when they look at us? We're making all this noise and spending all this money. Who do you imagine they think we are?" Andrew asks them until someone walks into the restaurant making Andrew look over at the person to see it was Jesse wearing a black dress.

 Who do you imagine they think we are?" Andrew asks them until someone walks into the restaurant making Andrew look over at the person to see it was Jesse wearing a black dress

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Andrew watches as Jesse walks over to the bar making Andrew turn around to watch her. Andrew hasn't seen Jesse in a long time because her mom took her away from her dad who was sleeping with another. Andrew was in love with her in high school but never get the choice to tell her. Andrew calls over a waiter who walks over to him and Andrew tells her something making her nod and walks away while Andrew keeps on watching Jesse.

Jesse was playing with her hair as a drink was placed in front of her. "Oh, I-I didn't order this." Jesse said to a worker who looks at her. "The man at the table behind you sent it over." She said to her making Jesse very confused. "What man?" Jesse asks her. "Might be easier to look for yourself." She said to her making Jesse laugh a little. "I'm afraid I'm gonna turn bright red." Jesse said to her making the worker give her a smile. Jesse turns around to see Andrew sitting with a group making her turn back to the worker. "I know him." Jesse said to her. Jesse knew Andrew in high school, they were the best of friends until Jesse start falling for him but she move away and she thought she would never see him again. "He wants to know if you'll join him." She said to her making Jesse look at her. "Thank you." Jesse said to her and she takes the drink. Jesse turns around and she walks over to the table while Andrew was fixing himself. "Hi." Jesse said to them making Andrew look at her with a smile. "Hi." Andrew said to her melting at how beautiful Jesse was. "I haven't seen you in a long time." Jesse said to Andrew who nods a little. "Will you join us?" Andrew asks her hoping she said yes. "Uh, if-if you don't mind. I-I...I mean, sure. Why not, right?" Jesse said to them with a smile. "We would be honored." Andrew said to her with a smile. "Of course, we would." One of Andrew's friends said to Jesse. "I'm Jesse." Jesse said to them as she sits down with the group. "Make yourself at home, Jesse." Andrew said to her making Jesse look at him making Andrew give her a smile. 

Later that night, Andrew takes Jesse to his room. Jesse enters the room to see it was very big for one person while Andrew closes the door. Jesse walks over to a table and sees a paper. "Mandarin Oriental." Jesse reads as Andrew's phone beeps making Andrew stop it. Jesse takes off her high heels and throws them to the floor. "That's better." Jesse said to herself making Andrew smile at her. "Your mom made you wear them?" Andrew asks her making Jesse look at him. "Yeah, it was her idea for me to come out tonight." Jesse said to him then she sees slippers. "They give you these?" Jesse asks him while pointing at the slippers. "His and hers." Andrew said to her while Jesse walks over to the slippers and she picks up the female slippers. "You don't mind if I put them on?" Jesse asks him while looking at Andrew. "Of course." Andrew said to her making Jesse put it on right away. Jesse then looks over at the window to see the city lights making her walk over to the window with Andrew watching her. Andrew watches as Jesse looks out the window and he loves the way moonlight hits Jesse's face. Andrew walks over to Jesse and he leans onto the wall next to her. "How are the slippers?" Andrew asks her making Jesse look at him. "Better than the high heels." Jesse said to Andrew who laughs a little. Jesse walks away from Andrew to the bed and she sits down. "I was best friends with this girl in high school. Leah. Almost everyone was mean to her. I can't even remember why. She was so sweet, so kind." Jesse said telling Andrew a story while he walks over to her. "Uh, one day I found her crying in the bathroom. I'd had enough, so...I grabbed her hands, and I said, Leah, one day you will be the most successful and...and the losers who were mean to you will be like maybe we were the assholes." Jesse said to him and she looks at Andrew who was smiling at her. "What?" Jesse asks him with a smile. "I knew it was a good room, with a good view, but it..." Andrew said to her as Jesse stands up and walks closer to Andrew. "It didn't give me any pleasure until...until you walked into it." Andrew said to her. "But it is still a perfect room." Jesse said to him, Andrew then places his thumb under Jesse's chin. "You are still as beautiful as you were in high school." Andrew said to her as he leans down and the two share a heartwarming kiss.

In the morning, Andrew takes Jesse to his mother's apartment where she welcomes Jesse with open arms.

Jesse was on Andrew's bed while Andrew was working on something while sometimes looking over at Jesse. "Take a picture it will last longer." Jesse said to him making Andrew laugh a little as he turns to Jesse. "No, need." Andrew said to her as he walks over to her. "When I have you all to myself." Andrew said to her and the two share a kiss, then Andrew's phone rang. Andrew walks away from Jesse and to the phone.

"Hello?" Andrew answers the call. "Where are you? You haven't answered my phone calls." Jesse hears the other person on the phone while Andrew sits down next to her. "I was just in San Francisco. I was looking for new antiques. We talked about that. You agreed." Andrew said to the person while he plays with Jesse's hair. "We didn't agree on midnight bottles of champagne. With who? Your secret lover? While I'm here alone?" The person asks him making Jesse sit up and she leans onto Andrew to listen. "I-I wasn't with anyone." Andrew said to him making Jesse look at Andrew. He was lying. "I'm not a fool. It's an itemized bill. I can see every dollar you spend." The person said to Andrew making Jesse take the phone. "Jesse..." Andrew said to her while Jesse puts her hand on Andrew's chest pushing him back. "Andrew just likes the finer things, you know." Jesse said to the persona she ends the call and she looks at Andrew. "Andrew is lying, I thought I ever saw the day." Jesse said to him. "We have to talk to him." Andrew said to her. "Why?" Jesse asks him while Andrew takes the phone. "It's a long story." Andrew said to her making Jesse jump up from the bed. "Luckily you can tell me on the way." Jesse said to him as she takes Andrew's hand pulling him out of the room.

At Lincoln's House

"Just let me do all the talking." Andrew said to Jesse who follow Andrew through the house. "Whatever you say." Jesse said to him. "This isn't working. Uh, why don't you finish your drink and skedaddle on home." The two hear Lincoln talking to someone making the two follow Lincoln's voice. "Uh, I'll call you a cab." Lincoln said as Jesse and Andrew stops by the doorway to listen. "Okay, so don't finish your drink." Lincoln said to someone who was breathing very heavily. Then the person hits Lincoln with an item making Jesse jump. Jesse and Andrew watch as the person beats Lincoln brutally to death. Jesse walks backward away from Andrew and into a door that makes a sound making the person walk over to them. Andrew runs over to Jesse and he stands in front of her the two see a man cover in Lincoln's blood. "He-he tried to kiss me." He said to the two while Jesse holds onto Andrew's jacket. "I know." Andrew said to him as he can hear Jesse's breathing heavily. "You should run." Andrew said to him making the person run out of the room and out of the house. Andrew turns to Jesse and pulls her into his arms. "It's okay, now." Andrew said to her then he kisses Jesse's forehead.

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