Psychopathy Emerges Further

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April 27, 1997

The Day Of Jeff Trail's Murder

At Jeff Trail's Apartment

Andrew is still at the apartment thinking about Jeff knowing he likes Jesse. Jeff gets back and he was not happy to see the state his place is in. Jeff looks at Andrew and he walks into his room to see his uniform on his bed. "You went through my stuff?" Jeff asks Andrew while walking over to him. "I was going to tidy up." Andrew said to him with a smile. "You touched my uniform." Jeff said to him. "I'll put it back. So what?" Andrew asks him. "So what?!" Jeff yelled at him starting quite a confrontation between the two. "I don't know why you keep it around." Andrew said to him. "You never served your country. You don't understand." Jeff said to him. "No, I-I don't understand. Look how they treated you." Andrew said to him. "You have never believed in anything except yourself." Jeff said to him getting mad. "I believed in you, didn't I when they certainly didn't." Andrew said to him. "Everything you gave me...the bars, the meals, the means nothing. I want my life back. My real life, my life as a soldier." Jeff said to him. "They don't want you. They never wanted you." Andrew said to him making Jeff shake his head. "I don't know you. I don't know what you stand for. I don't know who you are. You're a liar. You ha-you have no honor." Jeff said to him making Andrew give him a look. "Oh, honor?" Andrew said following Jeff to his room. "Oh, please, you're not in the Navy anymore, sweetie. You're a washed-up queer in a shitty job in a shitty condo bitching about how you could have been someone." Andrew said to him making Jeff look at him. "You're not wrong about that." Jeff said to him with a fake smile. "When I and Jesse found you that night at the bar, we were there for you. We saved you." Andrew said to him making Jeff throw a box to the floor. "You destroyed me. I wish I'd never walked into that bar. I wish I'd never met you." Jeff said to him. "You're confused. I can see it. No, you're-you're confused, and you-you can't even see it." Andrew said to him. "I see it. I feel it. I hate it." Jeff said to him making Andrew look away from him. "If you had Jesse's love as I do. I even gave her my love..." Andrew said making Jeff cut him off. "No one wants your love!" Jeff yelled at him making Andrew give him an evil glare. "Get it through your stupid head that Jesse doesn't want to be with you anymore." Jeff said to him making Andrew leave the apartment with Jeff's gun very mad.

Such depressing irony.

Sometime later, Jesse knocks on Jeff's front door. Jeff opens it and Jesse gives him a soft smile. "Hey, I have cupcakes." Jesse said displaying them to Jeff, making him smile. "Come in." Jeff said to her making Jesse walk in. Jesse sits down in Jeff's living room and Jeff starts telling Jesse what happened with him and Andrew. "I am sorry he mess up your place. It's not like him." Jesse said to him making Jeff nod with a smile. "Cupcake?" Jesse asks Jeff while picking up a cupcake. "I think I had one too many." Jeff said to her making Jesse smile at him. "Whatever you say, soldier boy." Jesse said to him and she puts the cupcake on Jeff's mouth and nose. "Perfect." Jesse said to him with a smile as she removes it from Jeff leaving icing on Jeff's mouth and nose. "How dare you?" Jeff asks her while he removes the icing from his mouth and nose. "It was easy." Jesse said to him with a smile as she puts the cupcake down. Jesse looks at Jeff who was giving her a smile while Jesse sees icing on Jeff's nose. "You still have icing on your nose." Jesse said to him making Jeff move closer. "Can you..." Jeff said to her making Jesse nod and she used her finger to take it off. Jeff holds onto Jesse's hand making her look at Jeff. Jeff gives her a little smile as he leans in and he kisses Jesse. After a few minutes, Jeff pull away from Jesse who had a look on her face. "What? Is something wrong?" Jeff asks her making Jesse look at him. "It's nothing, I was taking back a little." Jesse said to him with a smile as Jeff puts his arm around her. "Do you want to go out with me?" Jeff asks her. "Sure, but let's wait until Andrew leaves." Jesse said to him making Jeff nod. "Yeah, I understand." Jeff said to her then the two share another kiss but knowing that Andrew was watching them from the window.

At David Madson's Loft

Later Jesse was in the living room reading a book as David and his one-night stand walked out of David's room. "Wow." Jesse said to herself making David look at her. "Shut it." David said to her as he walks over to the door with the guy. "Andrew." Jesse hears David making her look up to see Andrew walking into the place and he sits down at the table. "Yes?" Andrew asks him while Jesse can see how adorable Andrew was when he said that. "I-I didn't hear the buzzer." David said to him. "I didn't want you to have to come down. I just slipped in behind someone else. You should get that buzzer fixed." Andrew said to him then he looks at Jesse with a smile. "About what you said..." Andrew said to her. "What did I say?" Jesse asks him. "That I needed help." Andrew said to her making Jesse look at him. "Okay." Jesse said to him. "How about we talk? Tonight." Andrew said to her as David walks over to them. "Sure." Jesse said to him with a smile and Andrew walks away to his room. Andrew enters his room and closes the door while he rings up Jeff as he sits down on his bed. "Hello?" Andrew hears Jeff. "I have your gun. I needed to borrow it because Jesse's stalker's back in town, and I needed to borrow it to protect her." Andrew said to him while he plays with the ring that was for Jesse. "Are you out of your mind? Do you even have a license? That gun never leaves the apartment. All right, I'll come over there, I'll get it off you, but I'm done with you. I'm done with you. You hear me?" Jeff said to him as Andrew smiles a little. "You said that already. Do you think you can replace me with you? And do you really think you are good for her?" Andrew said to him making Jeff end the call. 

Every moment that passes Andrew's psychopathy emerges further.

"Could you get the door?" Andrew asks them making Jesse and David look at him. "Well, Jeff is very hostile at the moment. I don't want to have to get into an argument with him in the doorway." Andrew said to the two making Jesse give Andrew a look. "I don't have time for this." David said to himself as he walks over to Jesse taking her hand and the two walked to the door. 

David and Jesse exit the elevator and they see Jeff standing outside. David walks over to the door while Jesse stands by the elevator. David lets Jeff in and the two walk over to Jesse. "Hey." Jeff said to Jesse giving her a hug. "Hey." Jesse said as the three enter the elevator then Jeff kisses Jesse's cheek. 

In David's apartment Andrew picks up a hammer that he was going to use to kill Jeff. Andrew walks over to the door and he stands by the door waiting for them. 

"You can't feel sorry for him." Jeff said to her as the three left the elevator. "Why not? I have been with him for a long time before I kiss you." Jesse said to him as the three walked down the hallway. "I never want to see him again." Jeff said to them making David look at him. "He took something from my apartment." Jeff said to him. "Yeah? What'd he take?" David asks him while Jesse starts playing with her hands. "My gun." Jeff said to them making Jesse look at him.

Andrew hears the three talking then he sees the door opening. "Prints, buddy." Jesse said as she walks over to the dog not seeing Andrew standing by the door. "Andrew!" David yelled as he walks over to Jesse to help her with the cage. Andrew then attacks Jeff with the hammer making the front door close shut.

More ugly irony and you know what happens next.

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