A Random Kill

27 2 0

May 1997

In Toronto, Canada

Upon waking up the next morning, Jesse sees Andrew sleeping next to her. As Jesse slowly sits up, she makes sure that she doesn't wake up Andrew. Jesse rubs her face, but she feels something cold on her hand, making her look at her hand to find the ring on her finger. Jesse looks down at Andrew who was moving making her lie down and she closes her eyes. Andrew opens his eyes and he smiles when he sees Jesse's face. Andrew then takes off the ring from Jesse's finger and puts it away. Andrew then moves closer to Jesse and he kisses Jesse's cheek a few times. Jesse opens her eyes to see Andrew smiling at her. "Morning beautiful." Andrew said to her with a widened smile. "Morning, smiling man." Jesse said to him making Andrew laugh as he leans down and gives Jesse a morning kiss.

Later that day, Andrew and Jesse were at a store named 'VERSACE'. Jesse enters first and she walks over to one of the dresses while Andrew was right behind her. Jesse sees the jackets' making her run over to them making Andrew smile as he followed her. Jesse picks up a black and white one. Jesse turns to Andrew and she places it in front of him. "Do I look good?" Andrew asks her as Jesse puts the jacket away. "I think you will look good in it." Jesse said to him making Andrew hug her from behind. "I love you." Andrew said to her with a smile as the two over to a table. "I love you too." Jesse said to him as the two sit down on the sofa. Andrew looks at the table and he sees a book. Jesse watches Andrew pick up the book and he opens it to read while Jesse thinks about her being with Andrew now that he has killed three men. She knows if she leaves Andrew he will go out of control again and start killing more people. Jesse looks down at the book to see the art of Versace's work and some of Gianni's outfits to share with the readers making Andrew close the book.

Later Andrew and Jesse were in Lee's car driving to who knows where. Andrew looks at Jesse who was looking out the window. "Find out if that trend will continue through the weekend. The forecast is coming up after the news."  The new guy said while Andrew takes hold of Jesse's hand. "An update on the Miglin murder. We're hearing reports that Lee Miglin's car phone was activated on Thursday, which means authorities can now track the movements of the stolen car."  The guy said as Andrew takes the phone and he starts hitting."Nothing further has been confirmed. Of course, we'll keep you up to date with the very latest." He said while Jesse takes the phone from Andrew. "Stop the car then you can kill the phone." Jesse said to him with a smile. Andrew stops the car and exits it to take of it. Jesse looks over at the backseat to see Andrew's bag and she starts thinking about the ring. Jesse starts rubbing her eyes as Andrew enters the car. Jesse looks at him to see Andrew rubbing his forehead. Jesse moves onto Andrew's lap and she puts her head on Andrew's chest. After starting the car again, Andrew puts his hand behind Jesse's back and kisses Jesse's forehead.

Later the two find a place named, 'Fort Mott State Park', and Andrew parks the car in the park and exits the car, and try to find a new vehicle. The two leave the car behind and they sit under a tree. Jesse looks around trying to find another car not seeing Andrew moving behind her. "You still want to sing in front of people?" Andrew asks her while he wraps his arms around Jesse and he pulls her closer to him. "I don't even know anymore right now." Jesse said to him while Jesse leans onto Andrew's shoulder. "I remember when you sing in front of the school and I was singing along with you." Andrew said to her making Jesse look at him. "That was you?" Jesse asks him making Andrew look down at her. "I was trying to find who was singing so loud." Jesse said to him making Andrew laugh a little. "It was still fun." Andrew said to her and the two stared at each other longingly. Andrew breaks the stare and he looks up to see an old lady going to her car. "Wait, here." Andrew said to her making Jesse nod and he walks over to the lady. Jesse stands up and she watches Andrew take out his gun. Jesse sees a guy walking inside the building to the door. Jesse looks at Andrew who was very close to the door and the guy will see the gun. Jesse runs over to Andrew and she stands in front of him. "There you are, I was looking for you." Jesse said to him making Andrew confused until the door opens making him understand what she was doing. "Well, you find me." Andrew said to her with a smile while putting the gun away. Jesse sees a red truck pull in making Jesse turn Andrew to the truck. "I think we have found the perfect replaced." Jesse said to him making Andrew nod. "Get in the car." Andrew said to her and the two walked to their car.

Andrew follows the red truck for a few minutes until the truck stops by a building. Andrew stops the car and the two leave the car and they walk over to the building. Andrew takes out his gun and hands Jesse his bag and the two enter the building. The guy turns to the two and Andrew points his gun at him. "Stay calm. No one's gonna get hurt. We are here to steal your truck." Andrew said to him while Jesse looks at the guy's desk to see pictures of the guy's family. "Where are the keys?" Jesse asks him making the guy grab it but Andrew stops him. "Wait. Leave them there. Leave them." Andrew said to him as Jesse walks over and she takes the keys. "Is...is there a downstairs?" Andrew asks him. "Basement." He said to Andrew who nods. "Can I lock you in there?" Andrew asks him. "Door's got a lock. Yes, sir." He said to Andrew making who nods. The three walk down the stairs to the basement with Andrew still pointing the gun at the guy. Jesse stops as the two men walk down some more stairs. "Get on your knees." Andrew said to the man when they step on the last step making the guy nod and he gets on his knees. "Sir...if you're thinking of killing me, please hear this. I'm a married man. We have a son...Troy. And, sir, I'd very much like to see them again. And I'd be grateful if you'd let me..." He said making Andrew shoot him blowing a hole through the back of his head.


Andrew turn to Jesse who was sitting down on the stair, who get a jump scare from the random kill. Andrew walks up the stair to her then he knees down in front of her. "He was making me mad with his family talk." Andrew said to her and he helps Jesse up. Then the two leave the building and they get into the red truck and leave the area.

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