Chap 17: Big x Sibling x Y/N

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(We will not mention my affinity for making all of my characters slightly momly,,)


Y/N shook Leorio, who groggily woke up, brows furrowed.

"Wah!" He shouted.
"Leorio, I have some medical concerns, Kurapika told me you were the one to talk to..."
"What? Are you alright?? We've been on the ship this whole time what did you do?"
"Not me, Gon."
"Eh? Where is he?!"
"Just right here." Y/N tugged Gon off their shoulder, the boy as limp as a ragdoll, flopping in their arms.

"Is the injury somewhere underneath his clothes? I don't see any blood."
"His head, he hit it. Twice."
"Playing games with the chairman."
Leorio's nose crinkled at the idea.

"Not like that. Though I thought that too at first." A minuscule smile played on their lips as Leorio let out a sigh.

"Scared me for a second... you saw the way he was eyeing that examiner. Some old men really are creepy.."
"You'd know." Y/N cracked, dropping Gon into his arms before he could begin a torrent of hate speech.

"See if he has a concussion, will you? I've got to check on Killua—he had a long night."

"Whatever." Opposite his biting tone, Leorio held the boy gently, carding through his greeny-black hair to look for a bump as Y/N walked away and Kurapika, next to the tallest, slowly opened his eyes.

"What's going on?" His eyes flew directly to Gon as if he had sensed something, and he seemed to truly wake, flinging his blanket off of him.

"Is he alright? We've been on the ship this whole time, what could he have possibly done?"
"That's what I said!"

♧ ♢ ♤ ♡

Y/N began a search for the other little one, who had not made it back to the established place of rest.

They searched through each hallway, quickly getting tired of the bland yellow of the walls and the dull blue of its accents.
As they thought that though, they walked upon a hallway and round its corner came a strong smell of blood.
They dodged said hall and flipped to a matching corridor exactly opposite, where they conveniently found exactly who they were looking for.

They walked up on the younger, who was sprawled across a seat, staring out of a window at shadowed scenery, seemingly lost in his thoughts.
Though his trance broke when he felt the other walk up behind him. His nails sharpened almost automatically until his eyes fell upon the 'unwanted' visitor who had snuck up on him.

"Kill." They greeted first with a light nod.

At the mutual greeting they pushed the younger's leg to the side to make space, then sat, joining him on the bench and staring out of the same window.

"Did you make that blood smell in the other hall?"
Y/N sort of sighed at the response. It was annoying, but if it was nothing he'd get in trouble for and he got all his anger out... perhaps it wasn't all bad...

"Did it make you feel better?"
"I guess. I wish it was that chairman instead."
"Mm." Y/N responded this time.

"...You should go off to bed little man. Or you'll be tired when we get to phase three."
Though with the demand, came not even the shift of a limb from either. Killua continued to stare ahead, as did Y/N, however, this time Killua couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/N's reflection in the window.
Gon was right, Y/N is kind of cool.

♧ ♢ ♤ ♡

"I sincerely apologize for the long wait. The airship will be arriving at its destination shortly."

At the announcement, the group's eyes snapped open.
All except for Kurapika who had already been awake, and Y/N, whose eyes, alternatively, stayed firmly shut.

"We're here!" Gon cheered, excitedly shaking the arm of the relaxed Kurapika, then switching to Leorio, who attempted to rub his eyes while his arm was under fire, but failed miserably.
Not even the noise from the 3 disturbed the snoozing Y/N, comfortably wrapped in the warm blankets supplied by the ship.

So Gon instead, decided to target them, hopping on to the floor disturbingly close to their head and beginning to shake their shoulders at first, switching to poking their cheeks and nose when not yielding the results he was hoping for, then finally, just yelling into their ear.
The rash actions of the smaller were vastly juxtaposed to their calm awakening, eyes slipping open to blink lightly, then their lips  crawling into an almost-smile at Gon.

"Wow! Good morning M/N!"
"...Morning, Gon."
They shook off the blanket, zoning out on the floor moments after, seemingly in thought, then suddenly stood moments later. They quickly stamped towards the door and gripped the door handle, swinging it open.

"Let's get going then..." They impatiently walked through the frame, waiting not a second for their companions to follow. They didn't have to imagine their reactions to the sudden burst of productiveness as Kurapika ran up behind them, matching their pace, and began to explain how unexpected the actions were.

The others caught up sooner or later, picking up Killua on the way, then followed Y/N as they ducked through crowds and swam through bodies attempting to land themself the very front-most position for their new task.

They were actually excited for the phase...
How strange...


Next chapter will be super long, promise

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