Chap 9: Killua x Is x Loud

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Kurapika ran out from a bush not far from the pair. Yelling Gon's name and notifying both of them of his presence.
"Are you two okay?"
His tone was soft, calming and despite his evident fear, coaxing the other two.

"Yeah! Y/N saved me!! They were so cool! You should've seen it."
"I bet."
He softly smiles, grabbing Gon's and
Y/N's hands in his own, rocking them as he questions.

"So... how do we get to the next phase?"
"I can lead you!"
Gon volunteered, angling his nose upwards and beginning to walk off, the connected Kurapika and Y/N following.

♧ ♢ ♤ ♡

Somehow, by blind faith, they make it back to the phase, Gon attributing the tracking to the smell of Leorio's cologne.

When they arrived, Satotz stood at the end of the path, between the barrier of the concrete platform and the dirt trail meant for guidance.
His unnoticeably tense shoulders eased at the sight of the three.

Gon and Kurapika searched for Leorio while
Y/N looked ahead at the newest door.
Gon jolts next to them, staring off to the side where Hisoka's smile leered back at him.

He removed one arm from the crossed position they were in, pointing to the left of him, where Leorio lay resting against a tall standing tree.
"There he is. Come on!"
Gon ran off towards the man leaving Kurapika and Y/N to the side.

"I'm gonna go ask Satotz about the next phase. I'm more than sure I'll see you later."
They waved, something small and slightly awkward, then stiffly walked off.
They slid their headphones on again, the pads slightly damp, probably from the fog.

Their steps were bouncy as they walked towards the waiting Satotz, though instead of reaching the man and doing what they intended, they bumped into Killua instead.

"Y/N! You're here. I was starting to think you wouldn't make it. Is Gon alright too?"
"Yeah. I came here with him."
"Ah! So where is he now?"
"I haven't a clue."


"Oh.. Ok. Well... what happened after you guys lost me?"
"We ran into Hisoka. He like, choked Gon and stuff but I returned the favour. He's odd though, I think he liked it."
They whispered the last bit, hoping the clown man wouldn't somehow hear them, but in response, Killua jumped.

"He did what to Gon? You did what to him? HE LIKED IT?"
"Oi. Keep it down, loud mouth. Need I repeat myself?"
They flicked him on the forehead, to the best of their ability, what with the mountains of hair that covered it.

"No.. I think I got it. How'd you manage to choke him?"
"Cause he's foolish? He was so caught up in choking the kid he didn't even see me."
Killua furrowed his brows but still nodded.

"You make it sound like he's not strong at all..."
"Strength is nothing in the shadow of how you use it."
And that's when Killua realized, this person was like,, super wise.

He looked up at Y/N, inspired.
But that only reminded Y/N of something.

They grasped Killua's cheeks, holding them between their palms and glaring right into his pupils.
They squished his mouth shut, either not noticing, or ignoring the red that took over his whole face.
Y/N admired his eyes, staring deeply into them so much so that Killua thought they were reading his mind.

Hm. Were this kid and that purple guy related? Y/N wonders what the parents must have looked like if one ended up like that and the other ended up.. normal.

Alright, that was enough.
"Let's go find Gon then, hm?"
"Whaddya mean go find Gon?! What the hell was that?"
"Watch your language, little man."

♧ ♢ ♤ ♡

Eventually, Killua reunited with Gon, chatting it up with the boy on what exactly happened the small moment they were apart.
Y/N spoke with Kurapika as well, just to pass the time until the next phase, which wasn't long.

Satotz voice rang through the crowd once again, him narrating what exactly was happening.
"Excellent work, Everyone, I'll be taking my leave as we've reached the second phase, Visca Forest Park."
Aw man... no more Satotz?

His exit was accentuated by his strange saunter as he raised his arms, one by one, and walked out through the parted crowd.

When he reached the boundary of the forest the doors rumbled and split in the middle, each retreating into the walls of defence, which seemed to protect the castle that revealed itself behind the doors.

"Will all the applicants who passed the first phase enter the gates, please?"


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