Chap 8: Yeah, x Still x Hisoka.

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Gon froze, standing in a protective stance.
He held his pole across his body, a firm grip on the bottom half, and strengthened his glare.

"Is that a fishing rod? How original."
Hisoka began to walk towards him -and consequently, Y/N- his bearing comparable to something predatory.
His strides, despite how small, were intimidating.
His intent was clear.

"I'd like to see it, do you mind?"
He directed at Gon's weapon; his only source of protection.

This guy was playing mind games with the boy.

Gon only backed up further, gripping his fishing rod harder as well. Almost unnoticeable.

He was scared, and yet, he still came here to stand up for his acquaintances.
Y/N could find respect for that, maybe even going so far as wanting to help the boy.

The decision was now simple; Y/N was going to protect Gon.

One wrong move and Y/N will make theirs... your game, Hisoka.

"Leave him alone. Your battle's with me!"
Leorio yelled as he leaped towards the man's exposed back, holding his tone as he flew.
Though, as soon as he came into Hisoka's vicinity, he quickly left it, not by choice.
A swift uppercut to his cheek checked Leorio in for nap time, for he passed out soon as his body hit the ground.

Gon followed Leorio's same mistake, yelling as he 'snuck' up behind their enemy's back.
Amazingly, his swing made contact, just not in an ideal way.
The 'Hisoka' both he and Y/N had their eyes on erupted into smoke by the contact.


"Did you come here to help your friends?"

Hisoka leaned in now next to the confused Gon, kneeling similar to how a childcare worker would when trying to soothe a kid.
Gon jumped away, landing exactly opposite where he stood before, but 'Hisoka' followed, whispering again.

"What a good boy."

He swung backward, frustrated by the toying, but still, he couldn't identify the real Hisoka.

"Mm~ I adore that look..."

Now Gon began to grasp at straws, defensively swinging non-stop, on impulse, in front of himself.
He missed every swing.

Gon stopped to think, soon coming up with a strategy to stop Hisoka's targeting.
His hook flew straight, on course to Hisoka's head, stopping just shy and swinging down.

Mud and dirt graced the air, flying up in chunks that would hopefully distract the skilled fighter enough for Gon's next course of action.
Though Hisoka saw right through the attack.

He grabbed the boy, who was now behind him, by his neck.
Gon now had the high ground, though only in terms of actual height.

Hisoka was unwavering from the weight, sustaining Gon effortlessly in one hand.
He looked up, staring right into the boy's determined, now slightly less confident, eyes as the boy in his hand couldn't make time for analysis.
He was losing air.

"Ah~ I love that look."
Gon struggled, scratching at Hisoka's wrist while gasping all he could take in.

Y/N was tired of this shit.
So they did what anyone would do.
They gave Hisoka a taste of his own medicine.

They, as Gon and Leorio failed before, quietly stood behind Hisoka.
They easily made up for the few inches Hisoka stood above them and jumped.

While airborne, they looped their arm around Hisoka's neck and tugged, firmly.
Gon was now on the ground, dropped harshly in shock.

Hisoka bent backward in an inhuman position, held him firmly by his throat, right between
Y/N's elbow.
His head rested, unwanted, against Y/N's chest, but in return, they only tightened their arm further.

Hisoka's face was... weird.
Something was weird.
Why was he smiling?
Why were his eyes rolling up into the back of his head???

Y/N, uncomfortably, dropped the fully grown man onto the grass. They grabbed Gon, who was gasping on his knees near to them, and directed him gently behind them.

"Leave. You're the lowest of low, choking out a child."
Y/N's nose scrunched, their stare concentrated right on Hisoka, who lay unmoved on the ground, weirdly still.

"Gon. Please grab Leorio. Hisoka, not one move in his direction."
Y/N now felt entirely involved in the boy's safety. He was a good kid, they could tell.

They stomped next to the man's stunned leg, in an attempt to draw him out of his stupor and get him gone.
Thankfully, it worked.

"Your friend isn't dead.
He passed. You all did.
Go and become good hunters. I hope to encounter you later~"

A beep rang from his pocket as he began to stand up, stretching his legs out in the process.
He pulled out a walkie-talkie, a rather plain one, as a voice came clearly through its speakers.

"Hisoka, you should get back here. We've almost reached the site of the second phase."
At the cue he walked away, taking Leorio, who Gon had not yet reached, and throwing him effortlessly to rest over his shoulder.

"Can you find your way back?"
He asked looking between Y/N and Gon.

A shell-shocked Gon gave one firm nod and Hisoka left right after, disappearing into the heavy fog.

Y/N, seeing as the threat had finally left, ran to Gon.
They threw their arms around him, feeling pity towards the boy who was just choked out and probably traumatized.

But to Gon it didn't feel like pity, this hug was healing...
The embodiment of a mother's warm embrace.
This person gives really good hugs!!


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