23 ~ Ruthless Armies, Nice King

Start from the beginning

"...What is going on?" Scar whispered as he looked to Cub. The Vex's wings shimmered as they appeared, and his eyes flashed blue.

Cub sighed. "The guards want the spy business kept quiet. But Caius specifically told Grian to tell us. Or... atleast I think so. Grian's amulet is making it difficult to tell."


Grian sighed as he leaned against the wall. He wasn't exactly excited for tomorrow. But... Scar's words hurt him even more then the spies betrayals.

"Yikes. That's gotta hurt." The echo of the voice was soft, but not completely unnoticeable. Mumbo's voice was always weak and nervous, so it wasn't difficult to know whose it was.

"Shut up." Grian spoke without speaking, puffing up his cheeks and his feathers. "And why did you lead some guards past the room, Doc?"

"I wanted to see the wolf. He's a cutie." Doc chuckled through the connection. "Besides, you said to go get you when Etho and False have returned."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Grian immediately stood properly and ran down the steps. Etho and False were back, that meant the courts had finally been purged. He could finally stop the wars.

"Because you were busy with Scar. I understand why you can't help but visit him now, he's hot." Doc said. "Though, you always were into the physically strong but emotionally stronger ones."

"Oh shut up." Grian said quietly, blush covering his face. He was also interested in idiots, but Scar wasn't one. He'd heard the stories, Scar was quite smart.

As he burst through the doors to the dining room, he smiled as he stared at Etho and False. The fox laughed as False got tackle hugged. The eagle stabilized the extra weight by spreading her wings.

"Your back, how was it? Did everything go as planned?" Grian immediately spat out, he was worried.

"Everything went well, and Gem is the head of the new courts. She's already sent letters to multiple kingdoms, including resources and men to rebuild. You should be happy, you can marry that elf without worrying about him having to deal with the courts." False smiled to her king.

Caius almost started sobbing. He hugged tightly to False, letting a few tears slip down before pulling away and wiping them. Grian could finally stop worrying.

"Come on, Cleo wants to make some final changes to your dress." Etho walked to the door.

"Wait!" Grian said. "Scar thinks he's going to wear a dress."

False and Etho shared a look, before sighing. "Is Doc about the same build?"

"Scar's a bit shorter..." Grian shrugged.

"We got this." Etho reassured. His mask hiding the smile, but his voice making it undeniable.


Scar stared in suprise. "Uh... I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"King Caius has asked for you to wear a suit." False repeated. "Because it's so short term notice, the suit might be a bit big."

Xisuma and Pearl were utterly confused, while Cub, Iskall, and Ren stared at False with a bit of untrustworthiness. False's armor had the symbol of a fallen kingdom Caius destroyed, but she seemed happy here.

"I... the wedding is tonight, right?" Scar took the suit.

"Yes." False nodded. "You and King Caius will meet at dusk, and the head of the courts will be sealing your pact at dawn. A party will occur between that."

"Thank you." Scar smiled to False.


Grian smiled as he stood before his throne. His dress looked beautiful, and he was happy Cleo hadn't questioned it. The white dress faded from white to red at the base, was backless, and only reached his knees. He had silky white gloves, and he wore red heels. The red heels weren't really high, but gave him an inch or two. The gold earrings and necklace were simple.

"Grian? Where's King Caius?" Scar's voice was soft, yet confused. Grian snickered before turning around to Scar. The suit fit him well, but he looked a little nervous.

"I'm right here." Grian said softly. "In Watcher culture, royal names aren't shared until the royal is 20, but I rose to power when I was 13. So I was given the nickname Caius."

Scar stared in horror and disbelief at him, and Grian reached up and unhook his amulet. "If you'd like to, you can read mine or my subjects minds."

Scar's eyes flashed blue, and the brunette stared in even more horror. "...I... Why would you...?"

"I wasn't lying when I spoke about the spy, in order to make sure you weren't suspected to know who the spy was and you were kept safe, I pretended to be my own hand maid, so I could make sure you were safe without you worrying." Grian explained softly, as he looked out the window. "The spy was dealt with yesterday, so I knew it would be okay to let you know."

"What... were you going to say yesterday?" Scar tilted his head.

"The courts that serve me, don't truly serve me, and were the spies I mentioned. The courts themselves tricked me into starting the wars, I was told the other kingdoms were attacking us. The past six years have been spent trying to get good people into the courts, and to get rid of the rest. Yesterday, Gemini was placed as the head of my courts, and my citizens will rebuilt all that we destroyed. That's also why I haven't been wed, due to the burden of someone else carry the burden of my kingdom." Grian had a slight smile as he spoke of Gem. Gem had been the daughter of the general during his father's time, they grew up together and he trusted her more than himself. There wasn't many he could trust over the years, only now, at 23, did he have more than two people he could.


Scar and Grian stood at the altar and Grian smiled to Gem.

"Prince Scar do you take King Grian to be your lawfully wedded husband, to rule with, to care for, and to trust for the rest of eternity?" Gem asked Scar, her eyes showing a brightness that Grian could only think was happiness.

"I swear." Scar said, looking over to Grian.

"King Grian, do you take Prince Scar to be your lawfully wedded husband, to rule with, to care for, and to trust for the rest of eternity?" Gem looked over to Grian.

Grian nodded as he spoke. "I swear."

"By the powers vested in me blah blah blah, kiss."

"Gem." Grian half scolded. Gem faked puppy dog eyes, and Grian let out a stifled laugh before turning to Scar.

"Guess this is it." Grian whispered.

"I guess." Scar leaned in, and Grian leaned up because God damn he is short. Scar almost laughed at Grian's struggles.

False busted out laughing as she realized Scar would have to bend over to kiss Grian, which caused Grian to throw a glare over his shoulder at her.

The kiss was suprising, but Grian sunk into it and wrapped his arms around the back of Scar's neck. His wings fluttered as Scar released him.

"All hail King Scar!" The crowd erupted, and Grian let go of Scar to look out over his and Scar's citizens.

They could do this together. They could fix the effects of the decade of unobediant courts. A decade had passed. Since he rose to power, since the deaths of his parents and sister, since he was brought to the undeniable truth that he was king. He could only hope Princess Silly, Queen Okami, and King Rowan were proud of him. He had brought their killers to justice, ruled a mostly peaceful capital, rid the courts of corruption, and was sending people and supplies to help those kingdoms he'd destroyed rebuilt.

He could do this, because he wasn't alone anymore. Grian glanced to Scar and smiled softly. His king would always be by his side.

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