Chapter 30- Family

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Holy. Crap. 30 chapters??? Where did I pull this from? Thin air. But, nerds, enjoy this gem—(Im-so sorry I didn't post this earlier—I meant to I've just been very very busy)


Hattie's POV:

"If we do it after eating...cuz I'm hungry," I said, looking at him. He'd stopped me from just getting the timepiece without talking all that much. Very annoying, but I guess it's better than running around and doing people's laundry and taking the weirdo mafia boss to his lunch table.

I can't believe Mustache girl was actually able to turn him into a jar man. He looks very silly.

But, as I was thinking I noticed Madison was smiling and was giving a slight chuckle as he walked up to the counter, and set me down. I was going to try and peer over the counter, but he took my hand in his and held it standing up straight. My hand was raised a bit, but it wasn't uncomfortable...just rude! I can stay here on my own, I get it now >:[

I let out a small whine and moved around as much as his arms extent would let before he'd lightly tug me back. It wasn't that big of an area. After trying to figure out a way away, I gave up. With my free hand, I dug in my pocket and pulled out my mafia doll. I made him walk around in the air, before looking at my hand that was grasped in a 4 fingered claw.

I looked at the doll.

And lightly whacked it into the hands, letting out a small "whammo...!" As the mafia boss would. The toy squeaked, and the grip on my hand got a bit stronger. I looked up at Madison slowly, and he had the timepiece in his hand. He was in the middle of thanking the seal.

I looked at the doll and giggled as I got an idea. I started to walk it up Madison's arm. I didn't get very far when I was pulled as we started to walk away. I had to run to catch up, before walking in time with him. I put the mafia toy back in my pocket as we walked to a pair of doors on the main floor. I remembered coming this way when the ship was leaving the harbor. We haven't been down here much since, but I just let Madison lead the way.


We finally made it to the host desk, and I was peering over it at the seal.

"Oh! Hewwo again mister! You fouwnd the captain?" The host...hostess? Seal asked.

Madison nodded, "yes, I'd like to make a reservation this time, actually..."

"How many?"


"Oh! Wewl if youw don't wanna wait we couwld get youw a table, sir," the seal offered. Madison smiled and nodded again. The seal smiled back and hopped down off of its stool after they grabbed two menus. They lead the way to a table in the galleries.

As we sat down, Madison let out a bit of a sigh as he relaxed into the seat. It was only for a moment before he straightened his posture again, and looked over golden railings down to the main floor. I scooted my chair in a bit and leaned my head against the tabletop. I kinda scanned the menu, but it said chicken nuggets and that's all I needed to know.

After a few moments, Madison spoke up, "sit up, Hattie."

"Aw," I whined slightly, turning my head to look at him, "do I have to?"

Just one deal {platonic family snatcher&hat kid}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن