Chapter 16-Contracts, please

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Hattie's POV:

My alarm went off, waking me up with a start. I didn't want to be up, still kind of tired. But that's probably because of the nightmare...but, it's ok now. Madison helped. He did a very good job of spooking the rest of the nightmares away.

The computer ran its morning spiel, as I pushed myself out of the bed. I picked up my hat and snuggly placed the beanie on my head. I stretched slightly, before dragging my feet out of my room. I looked into the main hub, and the lights flashed on and the computer started to speak on how it will be another fairly boring day if I don't get the timepieces back.

There was a slight thud, and I looked over to the window, hoping it wasn't another mafia—

Oh no, Madison just fell...oh-HA-Madison fell.

I ran over, snickering slightly as he sat up in the chair, rubbing his elbow.

"Ow..." he mumbled, squinting from the sudden lights. He looked around before he looked at me. He let out a breath, before letting his arm drop to his side.

"It's already morning...?" He asked, very drowsy, I nodded with a small giggle. He stood up and stretched, and I went to go up and check the fuel screen. It should tell us how many timepieces are still missing.

I went up the ramp, and slapped the screen with little regard for how durable it should be durable enough. Well, if it's not, it didn't break this time. And it lit up and changed what it was showing.

"You are ??? Miles from home. You have lost fuel power. You need 17 more time-glasses."

SEVENTEEN...!? Those cats didn't take that many, did they!? I mean I know they still have them, but seventeen...where else could they be?

Madison walked up next to me and looked at the screen.

Well, he had one, so where are the other sixteen?

I let out a huff and jumped up, trying to tap the screen. Madison looked at me before he turned back to the screen and pressed the timepiece for me.

"I could have gotten it," I mumbled.

"Uh-huh. Sure."

"I could have! You-"

"Ten can be found in the storage room. Five more are in the laundry room. One is still on the ship, an unknown rift. One can be found in ???."

"An unknown rift?" Madison asked, looking at me, "and question marks?"

"Rift I haven't found yet," I stated crossing my arms, a bit upset that so many are missing. "They show up when I complete relics...and I think the last one is talking about your pocket."

"Oh..." He looked at the screen, he probably didn't understand, but I guess I didn't know either. I turned and went back down the ramp, and looked at the engine door. Madison came down next to me, and I looked at him. I guess since we're here I might as well ask.

"You still have contracts to give me, right...?"

He looked at me a bit shocked before his eyes darted away. "Uh, why do you ask?"

"I still want to get my parents, even if I still have to get other timepieces," I explained. He started to walk over to the control panel, and I followed him, "so...where's the next one."

He grabbed his coat from the chair and slipped it on. He didn't say anything, I looked at him and he seemed nervous. He glanced at me, before looking away again as he started to button up the jacket.

Just one deal {platonic family snatcher&hat kid}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora