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Fuck. I didn't want it to come to this. I was hoping by now the news report would have died down and Kai would have been non the wiser as we left town and started over. But of course in this small ass town it would probably play everyday for the next year. He'd never would have known if all went to plan.

And now I was standing outside that Henry kids house. It sucked for him that he found out. How he found out, I didn't even want to think about how he knew this whole time and how I would have to get answers out of him, with torture if necessary. He could have told anyone. The alpha could very well know and was plotting. It made me sick to think about.
I sensed him in the house with his dad. It was silent. I wondered if this was one of his peaceful nights or a bad one.
"Henry, can you hear me?" I called out, as he passed by a window, hoping his wolf ears caught my voice.
A few minutes later Henry emerged from the house.
"Oh man, nice to see you! Just in time, shit was getting awkward in there."
He wore wrinkled grey shirt with black sweats and slippers on. He looked haggard as if he's had a bad day. I couldn't even feel bad that his day was going to get a lot worse.
"I'm sorry man," I approached closer, making sure to stick to the shadows incase any neighbors were looking out. "I wasn't sure who to ask, but it's an emergency, I need you to ride with me...it's Kai."
Henry straightened his shoulders and nodded, "let's go man."
"I parked down the road, wasn't sure if your dad would be angry," I told him indicating he follow me. And he did, no questions asked.

As soon as we got into the jeep, I gave him the same treatment I gave Kai. Needle to the neck. At least this way it wouldn't be painful for him what happened next. And i didn't want a repeat of what happened with Claire, the screaming and begging and clawing and kicking. I shuddered at the thought.
I started heading towards where I would dump him, the same place I took Claire.

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