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Shadows POV

I was so proud of Kai. How he was standing in front of everyone now, explaining to everyone what the alpha was about, everyone nodding and looking like they were just as tired and over the alphas bs.
I stood behind him leaning in a corner, looking like his actual shadow all dressed in black as he asked anyone if they were good at coding and developing a secure app. It seemed we had a packed house but it was only a packed living room with about twelve people and I knew there could be a lot more. As a kid and his friend stepped forward and began to explain to Kai about how they create apps for fun, I wondered if some heard of the meeting and were too afraid to join or if some were snitching on us now having heard about it. Were we seconds away from being dog meat as the alpha and his gang of wolves were surrounding the house now?
And now my mind was scanning the area, plotting how I would attack any outside forces and ensure everyone here would make it out. We were all wolves after all, and once our numbers grew we'd have a better chance. As for now? We were sitting ducks.
We would have to come up with a better meeting spot for sure. I'd have to tell Kai about it.

"Ok you two work on that and get back to me. We need this app up and running as soon as possible. And until we come up with good codes, for now let's join a group chat together and just use sos in emergency situations and if you can send a meeting location pin. If unable, we will shift and find you," Kai told everyone who hung onto his every word. I was so proud of him. He made a better alpha than I ever could be. Why couldn't it have been him?

Things would have been a lot easier. Being a werewolf sucked so much sometimes. We were all forced into boxes with labels and strict roles.
Why couldn't we be fluid?
"I wonder if it's like this in every pack? If we should just accept the way things are," a girl with strawberry blonde short hair and a black nose rings spoke up.
"Even if it is this way in every pack, it's time we shake things up. This is a new age and we are still following laws that were put in place since the dark ages. Humans evolve. Why can't we?" Kai spoke up just as I was about to. "Fuck the laws, fuck the way things are, fuck wolf tradition. It about what's right. What's wrong. And everything is wrong with how our families are being treated. The alpha and his family think they are royals and we are their subjects to use and abuse and kill and run off. No matter what our status is, be it beta, alpha, or omega, we all deserve fair treatment. We deserve a just leader, one with honor. And integrity. One we can trust and look up to."
A kid sounded choked up as he said, "my brother shot himself in the head when he turned eighteen. He found out he was an omega. And the alpha came to our house and said he did himself a service," the kid sniffled and angrily wipes his eyes and he looked away with a tense jaw. I could see a couple of those in the room roll their eyes, the deep disgust for omegas embedded in them for generations. But one day that would change. I would make sure that Kai one day would live in a world where everyone accepted it. Or I'd burn this whole motherfucking planet to the ground and we'd just have to start fresh.

Kai moved forward, crouching down in front of the kid, ignoring everyone else. "Becoming an omega could happen to anyone. Doesn't mean his life wasn't important or valuable. Not everyone can be an alpha or a beta, and that's ok. And what that bastard did after you lost your brother was disgusting and despicable."
The kid looked stunned at the response and then nodded.

The meeting ended after everyone spoke up about their horrible experiences with the alpha and his spoiled rich family.

By the end, I could tell this group was already looking up to Kai. Exactly how I wanted it. They wouldn't accept his wolf side before first respecting him as a person.

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