Used to be Yours (Daruis x Alador)

Start from the beginning

(Aladors POV)

"What was Dauris and the youngest clawthorn doing here?" my dad storms in waking me up "we were- working on a project" i say yawning, "you know that boy isnt alowed over here, he comes from a lower status than us invite your girlfriend over instead" he says before slamming the door, i sigh and stand up heading to my desk, my dad has nothing against who i date/marry as long as they have money or a good reputation and Daruis has neither.

i start to tinker with the stuff on my desk until night fall i start to fall asleep at my desk but i feel the need to finish this before tommowor, my mom left food in my room that i barely ate at, i was so distracted in my work i didnt notice my window opening and a certain abomination witch climes through.

i feel arms wrap around me snapping me out of my trance "oh Dauris" i say jumping slightly he turns me around in my spinning chair paint in my hand, "how long have you been working on that?" he asks "oh only since two i think?" i say with a small smile his eyes go wide "Alador, its one in the morning" he states, i scrunch up my face "oh" i all i say.

Dauris takes the paint brush from me placing it on my desk, before pulling me off my seat, before it regestered with me "why are you here at one AM?" i ask, a smirk apers on his face, that smirk that says 'i had and idea' "you were saying you wanted to go on a real date so me and the clawthorn sisters along with raine came up with something" he says with a smile before climing back out the window.

i turn off the light in my room and follow him out the window, i slip on the stone falling into Dauris's arms "shh, i dont want to wake your parents" he whispers, i blush, he places me on the ground and takes my hand before draging me into the woods behind my house, we walk silently in the dark before arriving a romantic picnic.

"dont worry i have Eda, Raine, and Lilith keeping watch for demons and your parents" he says with a wink i smile sitting on the blanket we eat, talk, and just be us together but sadly all good things come to an end, we both hear a stick break in the distance, "its probally just Eda-" Dauris starts before a green haired witch appers out of the shadows.

"I knew it" Odalia states proudly, i move away from Dauris, "your cheating bastered and of course its with him" she says glaring daggers at Dauris "oh your parents are going to be pissed Alador" she chuckles, i stand up abruptly "no, no Odalia please, my parents will make is life a living hell, please Odalia" i beg she smirks a conniving evil smirk.

"Ok, i wont tell them on one condition" she says folding her arms "You quit seeing, talking, and being 'friends' with Dauris and the Clawthorns as well as only talk to me and my friends and let me take credit for all and i mean all your invention ideas" she says sticking out her hand "No, Alador dont" Dauris says moving towards me.

He places a hand on my shoulder "you cant take that titian forsaken deal, not for me but for you, you love your invetions dont let this bitch take that away" he says i turn towards him "i have too, she has unspeakable power and my parents arent going to let it slide that- i can't not take the deal, i kiss his cheek bye Dauris" i say before shaking Odailias hand as she drags me back into town i watch Dauris and my friends fade into the distance...........

Years Later: after the defeat of belos and the collecter
(Dauris POV)

i wake up, at least thats what it feels like, i blink looking out at the boiling isles "what the heck happend?" i say before spotting Hunter, "Dauris!" she shouts spoting me before wrapping his arms around me, i sigh and give in huging the small boy "Dauris looking at my sewing skills" he says showing off a shirt with furry demons on it "good job kid" i say rufflying his hair.

While Hunter rants about his adventures in the human realm along with defeating Belos and some child creature i spot a brown haired boy from my past i sigh and look back at Hunter, "Hey Hunter, that sound great but i need to go do a few things, why dont you go hang out with your friends" i say with a smile he nods and hugs me one more time before running off.

"i didnt know you had a soft spot for kids" a voice says i smirk "i don't, that one special" i state, i felt his hand be placed on my shoulder "i turn my head met with his gold eyes, I smile "Alador!" a screch is let out we both turn around, i hold in a laugh while watching the green haired bitch crawl up the stone her hair and absolute mess she looked pissed.

"we- had- an- Agreement" she says out of breath i hear a small chuckle from beside me "that agreement was broken the moment you nearly killed our kids, were done" he states before turning to me "how about after we put the boiling isles it put back together we go on a real date?" i ask and for the first time in a long time i blush looking at the messy man in front of me "i would love too, though first things first, Eda!" i yell and the white haired witch walks over "could you take care of a pest" i state and her eyes flick over to Odalia.

"Let me" another lady responds before smacking Odalia "that is for my future daughter in law and this" she says before smacking her again "is for nearly killing my child" the woman with glasses says before walking off, "the humans mom?" i ask Eda she just nods i turn back to Alador, "well we better get to rebuilding the boiling isles right?" i say taking his hand he nods before we go and join the others.........

Words:1830 2/13/2023

Hey! i hope you like this story, i was planning on posting one of the spiderman au before this one but my mental state has been shit so i might not post for a bit (sorry) but incase i dont write before then Happy Valentines day and have a fantastic week byeeeee...............

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