Of Nen and Long Lost Relatives

Start from the beginning

Anyway, after arriving thanks to Uncle Colress's recently retrieved Skarmory (I found his team when I was traveling Unova, long story), I have called on everyone one of my Pokemon via the telepathy link, saying it was important that they all show up. Even the ones I left at the Hope's Peak bunker campus have appeared.

Seeing them all assembled, I took a deep breath before I began to talk.

"Okay," I began, trying to swallow the lump in my throat before continuing. "In light of recent findings I have to ask you all as a whole...." I took another deep breath before I continued, the words both bitter and sour in my mouth, "Have I become Kamado?"

A split moment of shock crossed everyone's features before an uproar was heard, making me and Kokoro step back slightly at the sudden loud noise.

"Let me explain," I called out over the din of noise, thakfully quieting them down so I can explain, "Recently," me and Kokoro shared a glance, "I have found that I have been... suppressing my emotions... even ignoring some of you..." The feeling of guilt welled up, almost choking me but I continued, "And... I haven't been giving you guys attention..." I coughed, to rid the lump growing in my throat, to no avail. "Almost like I have been treating you like tools." Many of their faces were drawn in shock and concern, even as I finished.

"So with this in mind, I want to ask you," I felt moisture hit the back of my hands, as I forced the last sentence out of my mouth, "If any of you want to leave me."

Many were stunned in silence, even Kokoro as I felt her gaze on my back.

"Chifuyu..." I heard her breathe out.

"I understand," I pressed on, trying to be brave, "if you think I am less than suitable to be your trainer," some of my veteran Pokemon were shocked to hear me say this. Even Katakuri looked shocked to put it lightly.

Why was this so hard....?

"Chifuyu," Kokoro called out to me, "You're crying!"

I blinked in shock before touching my cheeks. Sure enough, she was right.

"Dammit," I cursed softly, trying to wipe away the ones that were still coming. "I told myself I wouldn't do this...."

Suddenly I was lifted up, pulled into an embrace.

Imagine my surprise that it was Mewtwo of all of the Pokemon to give me a hug.

"M-Mewtwo?!" I sputtered.

I was then conked on the head.

"Itai!" I whimpered, holding my head.

"Baka," Mewtwo spoke in a reprimanding tone but I saw water gathering in his eyes as well as many others. "We may not say it but we love you as much as you do us!"

I was shocked, surprised that the Genetic Pokemon of all them, would be the one to speak like this.

"Emotional constipation or not," Arceus chimed in, floating over to me, "You are my Chosen One, and not only are you the Champion of Hisui, you are also our champion. Of heart and soul."

The others added their agreement, even Giratina and Necrozma.

As cheesy as it sounded from the Original One themselves, it still made my heart swell, both with joy and relief.

"So no more talk about leaving and other nonsense," Gardevoir spoke up. "You're stuck with all of us for life, kid."

"You guys...." I couldn't hold back anymore, I ran towards them with open arms, letting them embrace me as I returned the gesture, crying with joy and all other pent-up emotions that have held me back.

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