106: New World

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Aloud he said, "Can you tell him Qrow Branwen is here?"

Winter knew she'd heard the name before...but where?

"Branwen?" she said, taking out her scroll.

Ah...well, he was a professional huntsman...if this was really him...and apparently a teacher at Signal Academy.

She eyed the clearly intoxicated person before her.

This had to be a different Branwen.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"I don't really stand on ceremony," Qrow said, annoyed. "Just let him know I'm here. He didn't answer my message."

"If so, he is evidently too busy for any friendly visits from curious Valeans," Winter said tightly. "But I'll be sure to let him know you stopped by, if there's an available moment."

"Let him--hey, listen here, Ice Queen," Qrow frowned, "I'm serious about this. I don't know if Jimmy's given you the 4-1-1, or whatever you people call it here, but if I show up, he sees me immediately. And there's a better reason for that than someone fresh out of the academy is going to possibly be able to guess, so if you know where he is, you need to tell me and make it snappy."

"Perhaps you should try the nearest bar?" Winter replied tightly. "But without an appointment, I cannot let you in--and might I say, this interaction so far has not made me inclined to think it would be wise even if you had clearance."

"Why, you--" Qrow frowned at her. "Wow...do they put those sticks up your rear ends when you graduate or is it a family thing?"

"What?" Winter's eyes narrowed.

"I might have known--" Qrow was cut off right then by Ironwood coming out of his office to call Winter in--and seeing him instead.

"Qrow?" he said. "This is unexpected. You're early."

"Oh, yeah, caught a tailwind." Qrow said that like it was a joke.

"Come in then--Schnee," Ironwood noted her. "Oh, I see you've met Qrow. I'll have to postpone our meeting. Something more important has come up. Rendezvous at...should 400 work?"

"Depends one how long you want to make this," Qrow said, not very nicely.

"I'll let you know," Ironwood said, with a resigned look.

"Sir?" Winter was almost speechless. "You mean that you're just going to breech protocol?"

"Is that your place to ask?" Ironwood said pointedly.

Winter swallowed her surprise. "No, of course not. Yes, sir." She saluted.

"You've got them well trained," Qrow said to Ironwood.

He winked at Winter, which made her almost blow a gasket.

"Well, see you around, Ice Queen."

Ironwood frowned at him. "Qrow..." he said like he was familiar with this behavior.

But then, same as every other time...he didn't do much to stop it.

Winter was left wondering how to explain the whole thing.

* * *

"Winter do you know where team RWBY is?" Shine startled her out of her reverie.

Winter blinked and looked up. "I thought they were in their rooms."

"No, Pyrrha told me they haven't been since earlier," Shine said.

RWBY Through WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora