The City With Legs

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"I can't remember anything!" Jellal said. He sounded genuine and on the verge of tears.

'He actually doesn't remember anything?!' Cobra thought. Erza slowly walked to Jellal.

"D-DON'T COME CLOSE TO ME!" He yelled in panic, and raised his hand. An explosion engulfed Erza's head. But as the smoke faded, despite bleeding from the head, she was stone-cold with emotion.

"Alright, you come to ME. I'M ERZA," She said with determination. "Come to me!" Jellal stepped back in shock.

"Your name is Jellal. You were once my friend. But you went mad, defiled the dead, hurt my friends... destroyed the council, and murdered SIMON!"

"If you act like you forgot all of that, I'll plunge a sword into your heart and spell it all out for you! Now come! Come to me!" Erza screamed in anger.

"I did that... to my friends...?" Jellal began holding his head in sadness and horror at his action. "Oh god... what have I done? How... can I fix this?" Erza was shaking.

'Is he truly the same Jellal?'

Lucy opened her eyes slowly, and rose. "Ow..." She held her shoulder, but saw something surprising. "Hey, it's treated!" She then sat on her knees and looked at her clothes. Now they were fancy. "My clothes have changed! Who did this?"

"They are clothes from the celestial spirit realm," A pink haired maid with cuffs said. This was Virgo, Lucy's Celestial Spirit. She was kind of a masochist. "Cause yours were in tatters."

"Virgo?" Natsu also woke up, in new clothes.

"Huh? Where am I?" He muttered.

"And I made Natsu's match along with it."


"JELLAL! WHERE IS THAT LIGHT?!" Natsu jumped up, growling. They turned around. The once black light was now white, with black beams swirling around it.

"We're close, but it looks like it changed colors?" Lucy noticed.

"Yes, it changed from black to white while you two here unconscious," Virgo explained. Natsu growled, then sighed, and turned to Lucy.

"Thanks. I was in a rough spot," He thanked Lucy.

"What's with that all of a sudden?" Lucy mumbled in embarrassment.

"You love him!" Virgo teased in the same monotone voice.

"Don't copy the cat."

"Say, where is everyone? Weren't you with Erza?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, we actually got separated," Lucy explained.

"Might as well head to the light."

"Princess, I will now take my leave," Virgo said, disappearing with a pop.

'Wait, she passed through the gate using her own magic,' Lucy noticed. 'Is my magic power at ZERO?'

"GUYS!" The two turned around to see Gray, Tails, Amy and Sticks.

"GRAY, YOU PRICK!" Natsu yelled immediately on sight.

"The hell, flame brain?!" He responded back, and they butted heads.

"Natsu, that wasn't actually Gray, it was a doppelganger!" Lucy explained, pulling him away from Gray.

"We took down Racer!" Tails told them.

"Nice! I got Angel as well!" Lucy added.

"2 down... 4 to go, man," Amy said.

"Lyon and Sherry split up to find the others," Gray told them. "And did the light turn black to white?" He asked.

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