Recollections Of Jellal

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"Ms. Lucy!" Cream said, as she and Cheese ran over to her.

"Cream? What happened?" Lucy asked.

"It was so exciting! You made a bunch of shiny orbs explode around Angel and took her down with a hit!" Cream described.

"Oh, that is weird... WAIT! Natsu!" Lucy remembered, and saw Natsu was still on the raft that was being held back by tree trunks. He was still incredibly sick. 

"Mr. Natsu? You're still sick even though the raft is stuck?" Cream asked in surprise. The group walked towards him, until suddenly a splash came from behind them! Angel was up, covered in painful burns and tatters. "EEK!" She was holding Caelum in sword form.

"I... cannot lose... The Oracion Seis cannot lose...," Angel breathed. She looked insane, with a mad smile and looks of hatred.

"Cream? Why does she look like that?! Did I do that?!" Lucy asked.

"Yes, it was you! I'm surprised she's still standing!" Cream said back. Caelum began transformation to gun form.

"If I'm going down... I'M TAKING YOU TO THE GRAVE WITH ME!!!" Angel screamed, and Caelum shot at the two. They braced for the blast, but instead, the beam curved around them, and instead hit the trunks.

"You... you missed..?" Angel made out, before falling back down. The raft now free, it continued to move again, re-awakening Natsu.

"Oh go- Blurgh...," Natsu groaned.

"NATSU!" Lucy said, looking back at him.

'My wish... it was to vanish into the sky... like an angel...,' Angel thought as she fell down.

"BUT THIS IS THE WATER!" She cried out to her dismay, with a splash. Cream and Cheese walked to her and ditched Lucy.

"Ms. Lucy, you go help Mr. Natsu! I'll tie up Ms. Angel!" She said to them.

"Yeah, okay, whatever! Natsu!" Lucy yelled at him as she hurried to the raft. "Pull yourself together!"

"Ooooooooooooohhhhh it's moving fast...," Natsu moaned.

"Just reach for my hand!" Lucy said, sticking her hand out. Natsu weakly grabbed it, but unfortunately, they reached a fall. Lucy got dragged onto the raft as it travelled on the river. "AGH! THE RAPIDS?!" She cried out. Lucy gritted her teeth and pulled Natsu to her, as they travelled down the rapids.

Back at the base, Brain gripped his head again. "No... they got Angel as well?" A second mark on his head began fading away. "Your death will be for nothing! The extinction of light will begin SOON!" He declared, in front of the black pillar of light.

"I'm not dead..." Angel muttered weakly, having a sneaking feeling that Brain thought she was dead. Cream walked over to her with a rope. Cheese was holding a rock in case.

"Ms. Angel, I'm going to tie you up now, okay?" She politely asked.

"Ah, just do it, kid," Angel groaned, not even bothering to fight anymore.

"Oh, I should take these as well!" Cream grabbed the Celestial Keys of Angel. "Maybe I'll give them to Ms. Lucy! She is a Celestial Wizard." Cheese nodded.

Erza was running through the forest with a glum face, nervous at the confrontation of her and Jellal. 'So, he's alive.' She remembered his evil expression. She turned her head to forget about it.

'How is he even here? Why would he be here?' More memories flooded back. The horrible sight of a young Jellal, before he was insane tied up by the hands, beaten and tortured. She kept seeing them in her head.

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