" sounds nice so we killing folks or wha'?" Juice smiled as he eyes Scorpio who wasn't even paying attention to him

" you might be the one getting killed" stacks said as he nodded to Junior who had his eyes dead on juice making him smile and wave at him

" nigga play all day" Chucky snickered shaking his head

" and wha' nobody gone check a nigga" juice smiled showing all his grills

" i like him" huncho laughed making juice salute to him

" anyways lock in y'all went all off subject what's the plan?"

" plan? Wait we doing this without informing them?" Ren frowned

" yeah we is like i said we up next we can't depend on them for everything we do what we gotta do first than we tell them Ight"

" that's cool with me" Phoenix shrugged as he flicked his new lighter

" we done" the twins nodded making everyone else agree too except Ty

" y'all going about this the wrong way, yeah we can do it I'm not talking about that but don't you think we need more information before we jump on some hot shit we gone tell them tonight and let it be known we doing this lets do more research and than in about 2 days come back together and throw down with em"

" he got a point" ren shrugged " what if they did that on purpose but again like Paris asked how would they even know to look there .... Did y'all make another stop?"

" actually yeah we did a drop together than headed to get some food the drop was out the way not even near our place maybe they was waiting for someone to come through" kelo said

" Ight everybody has a job to do after that we put together our information than we make a move on these niggas" Junior sighed as he lifted up

" now come on so we can eat shit my stomach in my ass" stacks huffed as they all walked out the door

The house

" it smells so good in here girls" smiley sighed inhaling all the food smells

" thank you" they all smiled

" i could've helped it wasn't no problem"

" yeah but we wanted you to rest you been very helpful with us and we appreciate that that's why your getting first pick on food" snipe smiled looking over her shoulder at smiley

" ohhh Anthony finna have a whole fit i can't wait" he laughed making them do the same

Hearing running footsteps smiley stepped in the way stopping the girls from running around in the kitchen , he was like a father he didn't want them hurting or getting burnt so he immediately shut it down before it could even happen

" unt unn no running pretty babies we don't want to get hurt do we?" He cooed making them shake their heads

" no uncle smiles" they both smiled reaching up so he could pick them up as he grabbed Cassie rage came around the corner scooping Nessie making her laugh

" my favorite" Nessie smiled kissing all over rages face making smiley gasp

" wowwwww so I'm not your favorite Nessie?"

" ummmm ....well .... I like pop tarts" she smiled making the girls laugh at how she tried to avoid telling smiley the truth

Sucking his teeth he waved her off watching as switch came inside the kitchen with baby Terrence walking straight over to beauty

" damn niggas don't speak no more that's crazy" smiley shook his head making switch laugh and turn around

" Mybad smiles how you doing bro?" Switch asked while pulling smiley into a side hug and kissing Cassie on the cheeks in the process

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